kris96tian / NUMPY_CPP

An implementation of a NumPy-like array class called NumpyArray in C++

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NumPy++ Array Class

This is an implementation of a NumPy-like array class called NumpyArray in C++. It provides various functionalities for creating, manipulating, and performing operations on multi-dimensional arrays.


Create arrays with specified dimensions or from existing data Access and modify array elements using overloaded operator() Reshape and resize arrays Concatenate arrays along specified axes or vertically/horizontally stack them Split arrays into multiple arrays along a specified axis Flip, roll, transpose, and swap axes of arrays Remove singleton dimensions from arrays



This header file contains the declaration of the NumpyArray class. It includes the necessary headers (vector, iostream, and algorithm) and defines the class with the following members:

data3D: A vector of vectors of vectors to store the array data rows: Number of rows cols: Number of columns depth: Number of dimensions Public members:

Constructors Overloaded operator() for accessing and modifying array elements shape() function to get the number of rows or columns reshape() and resize() functions to change the shape and size of the array Various utility functions like concatenate(), vstack(), hstack(), split(), flip(), roll(), transpose(), swapaxes(), squeeze(), and an overloaded operator<< for printing the array


This file contains the implementation of the member functions declared in the numpy++.hpp header file. It includes the definitions of the constructors, operator() functions, shape() function, reshape() and resize() functions, and various other utility functions like concatenate(), vstack(), hstack(), split(), flip(), roll(), transpose(), swapaxes(), squeeze(), and the overloaded operator<< function.


Include the numpy++.hpp header file in your C++ program. Create instances of the NumpyArray class using the provided constructors. Perform desired operations on the arrays using the member functions.


#include <iostream>
#include "numpy++.hpp"

int main() {

    // Create a numpy arr
    NumpyArray arr(2, 3);
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.shape(0); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < arr.shape(1); ++j) {
            arr(i, j) = count++;

    // print original arr
    std::cout << "Original array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << arr << std::endl;

    // reshape 
    arr.reshape(3, 2);
    std::cout << "Reshaped array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << arr << std::endl;

    // resize
    arr.resize(2, 3);
    std::cout << "Resized array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << arr << std::endl;

    // create another arr
    NumpyArray arr2(2, 3);
    for (int i = 0; i < arr2.shape(0); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < arr2.shape(1); ++j) {
            arr2(i, j) = i * arr2.shape(1) + j + 6;
    std::cout << "Second array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << arr2 << std::endl;

    // Concat arrays
    NumpyArray concatenated = NumpyArray::concatenate(arr, arr2, 0);
    std::cout << "Concatenated array along axis 0:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << concatenated << std::endl;

    //  vertically stack both arrs
    NumpyArray vstacked = NumpyArray::vstack(arr, arr2);
    std::cout << "Vertically stacked array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << vstacked << std::endl;

    // -||- horizontally
    NumpyArray hstacked = NumpyArray::hstack(arr, arr2);
    std::cout << "Horizontally stacked array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << hstacked << std::endl;

    // Spliit arr
    std::vector<NumpyArray> splitted = arr.split(0, 2);
    std::cout << "Split array along axis 0:" << std::endl;
    for (const auto& arr : splitted) {
        std::cout << arr << std::endl;

    // now flip it
    std::cout << "Flipped array along axis 0:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << arr << std::endl;

    // roll it baby
    arr.roll(1, 1);
    std::cout << "Rolled array along axis 1:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << arr << std::endl;

    // transpose
    NumpyArray transposed = arr.transpose();
    std::cout << "Transposed array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << transposed << std::endl;

    // swap the azes
    NumpyArray swapped = arr.swapaxes(0, 1);
    std::cout << "Swapped axes of array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << swapped << std::endl;

    // Resize
    arr.resize(1, 3);
    std::cout << "Resized array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << arr << std::endl;

    // new arr with singleton dimensions
    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> data3D = {arr.get_data3D()[0]};
    NumpyArray arr_with_singleton(data3D);
    std::cout << "Array with singleton dimensions:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << arr_with_singleton << std::endl;

    // squeeeeeeeze
    NumpyArray squeezed = arr_with_singleton.squeeze();
    std::cout << "Squeezed array:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << squeezed << std::endl;

    return 0;

Example output:

Original array:
0 1 2 
3 4 5 

Reshaped array:
0 1 
2 3 
4 5 

Resized array:
0 1 0 
2 3 0 

Second array:
6 7 8 
9 10 11 

Concatenated array along axis 0:
0 1 0 
2 3 0 
6 7 8 
9 10 11 

Vertically stacked array:
0 1 0 
2 3 0 
6 7 8 
9 10 11 

Horizontally stacked array:
0 1 0 6 7 8 
2 3 0 9 10 11 

Split array along axis 0:
0 1 0 

2 3 0 

Flipped array along axis 0:
2 3 0 
0 1 0 

Rolled array along axis 1:
3 0 2 
1 0 0 

Transposed array:
3 1 
0 0 
2 0 

Swapped axes of array:
3 1 
0 0 
2 0 

Resized array:
3 0 2 

Array with singleton dimensions:
3 0 2 

Squeezed array:
3 0 2 


An implementation of a NumPy-like array class called NumpyArray in C++


Language:C++ 100.0%