Always use latest version of insta_browser package
- python 2.7/3
- virtualenv
- ChromeDriver (
βΌοΈ ) intsa_browser package removed phantomjs support π
virtualenv env -p $(which python3) --no-wheel --no-setuptools
env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
After each git pull
run command to update packages from requirements:
env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
insta_login=yourInstaLogin insta_password=yourInstaPassword env/bin/python
- use for getting debug information in console
--count 10
- for liking just 10 posts from feed
Like posts until last liked.
insta_login=yourInstaLogin insta_password=yourInstaPassword env/bin/python
--username wakecupbar
- indication what username profile to like (required)
- use for getting debug information in console
--count 10
- for liking just 10 posts from profile
Like posts from user profile.
insta_login=yourInstaLogin insta_password=yourInstaPassword env/bin/python --auto_follow
--location 212898659/kyiv-ukraine/
- indication what username profile to like (required)
- use for getting debug information in console
--count 10
- for liking just 10 posts from profile
- enable auto-following function
Like posts from location.
insta_login=yourInstaLogin insta_password=yourInstaPassword env/bin/python
--tag python
- indication what tag to like (required)
- use for getting debug information in console
--count 10
- for liking just 10 posts from profile
- enable auto-following function
Like posts from tag.