krave1986 / fastify-cheetsheet

A cheetsheet about fastify for anyone whose project based on fastify.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cheatsheet for fastify framework


  1. Initialize project folder
    npm init fastify

  2. Install dependencies npm install

Project Structure

  • Entry point
    app.js: exports an async function


function(fastifyInstance, opts, next){
    // A plugin is a function which invokes next() or returns a promise 
  • Register a Plugin

    fastify.register(pluginFunction, options)
  • Notes

    1. Everything is a plugin in Fastify.
      Entry point is a plugin. Routes are plugins. Plugins are also plugins.
      Files in plugins folder are commonly de-encapsulated plugins, which are accessed by sibling plugins.

    2. Plugins are called only at initialization time.

    3. Plugins are always asynchronous.

    4. Root plugin is the exported async function of app.js

    5. Reply does NOT have end() method!

    6. process.env.NODE_ENV is not set when running npm run dev which means it will return undefined if you try to access it. So the method used to check the environment is based on string - 'production' not 'dev'.

  • Run server

    fastify start app.js
  • Fastify CLI flags

    • -p
      Specify port. Default port is 3000

    • -P
      Prettify log output

    • -w
      Watch file and reload the project

    • -l Log level (defaults to fatal)


  • --integrate

    将 Fastify 集成到现有的项目中去

    npm init fastify -- --integrate

    The usage of integrate mode mentioned on fastify repo is npm init fastify --integrate. But it turns out it will complain about the exising package.json file in my project. So I edited this note.



    • .gitignore
    • app.js
    • plugins
    • routes
    • test


    • package.json

    The following picture demonstrates details about how fastify integrate mode modifies an existing package.json file.


Fastify Instance


Register route

  • fastify.get('/', asyncRouteHandler)
  •'/', asyncRouteHandler)
  • fastify.put('/', asyncRouteHandler)
  • fastify.delete('/', asyncRouteHandler)
Route Handler


  1. Not to forget return clause in the handler

    async function(request, reply){
        // Whatever returned by this handler will be sent as the content of the HTTP response.
        // Alternatively, reply.send(content) can also used to do the same job. 
        // If return a string, it would be better to append '\n' to the end of the string in case
        // the server being accessed by command line tool to present a nice response which is
        // easily readable by human.
        // Stream can also be returned by this handler.
        // The behavior would be the same as passing a stream to `reply.send()`.
        // Fastify will pipe the stream returned or passed to the HTTP response.
request instance
  • request.method
    Possible values:

    • 'GET'
  • request.query The queries of URL.
    For example: greeting in /hello?greeting=Ahoy

reply instance
  • reply.type('text/html')
    Set Content-Type header
  • reply.status(405)
    Set HTTP status code
  • reply.send(anything even a stream) Send response to a request. If an Error object is passed to it, it will automatically generate a 500 Server Error status code.

Learn more about request and reply.


  • fastify.setNotFoundHandler(ROUTER_HANDLER)
    Define what to do if NO pathes or HTTP verbs match



  1. / also being passed to registration methods for non-root routes thanks to fastify-autoload plugin. It will register the route prefixed with the name of subfolder.

  2. How to use callback-based api in an async route handler?

    1. Add await reply at the end of the handler.
    2. promisfy the callback-based API.
  3. What kinds of callback-based API can be promisfyed?

    The ones invoking callbacks in an error-first result-last argument style.

    function thisIsACallbackBasedApi (myArgumentsAreNoneOfYourBusiness, theCallback) {
      theCallback(error, result)
  4. Always return in an async route handler otherwise the promise of the handler will never be fulfilled.

3rd parties


  • fastify-static
    Serve static content. Due to it is not recommended to serve static content from Node process, we usually install it as a dev dependency.


    • root
      Serve all files under this directory.


    • reply

      • sendFile()
        Used to manually respond with the contents of a file for a route.
        reply.sendFile('hello.html') This example will find hello.html from root option set when fastify.register() fastify-static plugin(e.g, if root option is set to public, sendFile('hello.html') will send the contents of public\hello.html).


    1. There is no need to append spcific filename - index.html to the host URL.Take http://localhost/ as an example, if you navigate to this URL and no root route defined in the fastify instance, then browser will automatically load index.html. On the other hand, if root route is available, then you'll need to navigate to http://localhost/index.html in order to load index.html instead.

    2. If you hope that there is only route path in the URL and no filename exposed in the URL. For example, not http://localhost/hello.html but http://localhost/hello, you can set up /hello route and use reply.sendFile('hello.html') to send a html file as a response. reply.sendFile() method is decoration from fastify-static.

  • point-of-view Fastify's view rendering plugin.

    Supported template engine:

    • handlebars
      • Raw interpolation syntax: {{{ body }}}. HTML syntax will not be escaped.

      • Escaped interpolation syntax: {{ body }}. < in HTML code will be escaped to &lt;


    • engine
      The value should be an object. The keys of this object should be the name of the engine and value should be the engine library. For example: engine: { handlebars }

    • root
      The path where to find views.

    • layout
      With this option being set, plugin point-of-view will automatically create a template local - body


    • reply

      • view(template file name, object store of template locals)
        DO NOT forget return!
        Invoke template engine to render specific views and send the result as respone.
        For example: return reply.view('index.hbs') searches index.hbs template in root option and render it then send the result.

    Template local created:

    • body
      Available if layout option of point-of-view used.
  • fastify-sensible

    Defaults for Fastify which people need.



    If you initialize the project with create-fastify, you won't need to run the lines above because it is registered already in plugins/senseble.js

    APIs are listed here

    • Decorations

      • reply

        • notFound()

          1. Set response status code to 404.
          2. Generate JSON output describing Not Found error.
    • Expossions

      • fastify.httpErrors

        This object exposes all 4xx and 5xx error constructor!

        • fastify.httpErrors.notFound()
  • fastify-autoload

    It will help fastify to load all plugins found in a directory and automatically configures routes matching the folder structure.
    So, the magic of fastify being able to automatically detect route path comes from this plugin.


    const autoload = require('fastify-autoload')
    app.register(autoload, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins')


  1. How to pass options to the main plugin function defined in app.js ?


A cheetsheet about fastify for anyone whose project based on fastify.