kraudcloud / wga

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Wireguard Access

An intranet for exposing your kubernetes cluster resources internally.

Readme generated with readme-generator-for-helm.


Global parameters

Name Description Value
global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry
global.privateImageRegistry Global Docker image registry for private images

Wireguard Endpoint parameters

Name Description Value
endpoint.clientCIDR CIDR range for client IPs. This is the range from which the wga pod will allocate IPs. ""
endpoint.address Public address for the wireguard interface. Prefer using endpoint.service.loadBalancerIP ""
endpoint.allowedIPs List of IPs that are allowed to connect to from the wireguard interface ""
endpoint.logLevel Log level for the wireguard interface. error: 8, warn: 4, info: 0, debug: -4 0
endpoint.annotations Additional annotations for the wireguard interface {}
endpoint.labels Additional labels for the wireguard interface {}
endpoint.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for the wgap pod. {}
endpoint.privateKeySecretName secret name for the private key of the wireguard interface. Should contain a single privateKey entry ""
endpoint.service.type Kubernetes Service type. LoadBalancer
endpoint.service.loadBalancerClass Kubernetes LoadBalancerClass to use ""
endpoint.service.loadBalancerIP Kubernetes LoadBalancerIP to use ""
endpoint.service.port Kubernetes Service port 51820
endpoint.service.annotations Additional annotations for the Service {}
endpoint.service.labels Additional labels for the Service {} endpoint image name wga
endpoint.image.tag endpoint image tag ""
endpoint.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy ""

Web dashboard

Name Description Value Image name for the web component wga-frontend
web.image.tag Image tag for the web component main
web.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy for the web component ""
web.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for the web component {}
web.authId Authentik ID for the web component ""
web.authSecret Authentik secret for the web component ""
web.authIssuer Authentik issuer endpoint ""
web.authAuthorization Authentik authorization endpoint ""
web.debug Debug debug logging based on js-debug *
web.service.type Kubernetes Service type for the web component ClusterIP
web.annotations Additional annotations for the web component {}
web.labels Additional labels for the web component {}
ingress.enabled Enable ingress resource for the web component false
ingress.annotations Additional annotations for the Ingress resource {}
ingress.hosts Ingress hosts for the web component []
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
ingress.className Ingress class name for the web component ""
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created. A service is required for the wga to communicate with the Kubernetes API. true The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template. ""

Cluster client

Name Description Value
clusterClient.enable enable a daemonset to access other clusters wga via WireguardClusterClient CRD false
clusterClient.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for the clusterClient component {}


Name Description Value
unbound.enabled Enable unbound DNS server false Image name for the welcome page welcome-page
unbound.welcomeImage.tag Image tag for the welcome page 1.0.1
unbound.welcomeImage.pullPolicy Image pull policy for the welcome page ""
unbound.ip IP address for the unbound DNS server nil



Language:Go 91.4%Language:Mustache 2.8%Language:Nix 2.1%Language:Makefile 1.6%Language:Shell 1.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%