krasimir / atomus

A small utility library for running client-side tests in Node.js environment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A small utility library for testing client-side code in Node.js environment. Simulate the browser in your terminal.

The problem

We all know about Selenium and PhantomJS. They work well for testing client-side code. We may visit a page, fill forms, click buttons etc. However, it gets complex if we want to test only part of our application. We have to create a page that contains only the needed pieces. This definitely does not scale.

Atomus is helpful during unit or functional testing. That's where the name came from. It works good with the atoms of your application. You simply include your framework and the module that needs testing. Then create an instance and start playing with the DOM and the module's API.


npm install atomus

Simple usage

All you have to do is to require the module, call the ready method:

var htmlStr = '<body><h1>Atomus</h1></body>';
var atomus = require('atomus');
var browser = atomus().html(htmlStr).ready(function(errors, window) {

The window that is passed to our callback is the good old Window object that we have in every browser. Thankfully to jsdom we have a JavaScript implementation of the WHATWG DOM and HTML standards. So we may call window.document.querySelector or element.dispatchEvent. In practice we may interact with the page as we are in a real browser.


  • browser.ready([callback]) - call this method when you are ready with configuring your browser. The callback receives errors and window object.
  • browser.external([filepath]) - add an absolute path to JavaScript file that you want to be injected into the page. This may be a framework or custom bundled JavaScript for example.
  • browser.html([string]) - the initial HTML markup of the page
  • browser.injectJS([string]) - injects JavaScript just before the closing of <head> tag

Once the ready method is called we have a few other methods and objects available.

  • browser.$ - jQuery
  • browser.window - the usual Window object
  • browser.clicked([jQuery object or DOM element]) - fires click event.
  • browser.changed([jQuery object or DOM element]) - fires change event
  • browser.focused([jQuery object or DOM element]) - fires focus event
  • browser.blurred([jQuery object or DOM element]) - fires blur event
  • browser.keypressed([jQuery object or DOM element], [keyCode]) - fires keypress event with particular keyCode.
  • browser.selected([jQuery object or DOM element]) - fires click event. Use this while you operate with radio or checkboxes.
  • browser.waitUntil([element's selector], [function]) - it calls the function once the element matching the elector exists in the DOM
  • browser.changeValueOf([jQuery object or DOM element], [value]) - use this method to change the value of text input, textarea or dropdown/select element. It changes the value and dispatches a change event.
  • browser.addXHRMock([object or array]) - by default Atomus performs real HTTP requests. That's a way to mock these requests and provide your own response. Checkout the example section below.
  • browser.clearXHRMocks() - clearing the already added XHR mocks
  • browser.triggerEvent([element], [eventType], [keyCode]) - triggers a DOM event on particular element with particular keyCode`

JSDom has some problems with radio and checkboxes selecting. That's why we introduced API methods for triggering events. For sure you may use $('#link').trigger('click') but that's not working properly in some cases. So, we recommend using browser API for dispatching DOM events.


Clicking a link on the page.

  var atomus = require('atomus');
  .html('<section><a href="#" id="link">click me</a></section>')
  .external(__dirname + '/libs/myframework.min.js')
  .ready(function(errors, window) {
    var $ = this.$; // jQuery
    $('#link').on('click', function() {
      console.log('link clicked');

An alternative syntax for setting the initial HTML on the page and the external resources is:

var atomus = require('atomus');
var b = atomus({
  html: '<h1>Blah blah</h1>',
  scripts: [

Mocking HTTP requests

var mockups = [
    url: '/api/method/action',
    response: {
      status: 200,
      responseText: JSON.stringify({"id": "AAA"})
    url: '/api/method/action',
    method: 'POST',
    response: {
      status: 200,
      responseText: JSON.stringify({"success": "OK"})

var atomus = require('../lib');
var b = atomus()
.external(__dirname + '/data/ajaxwrapper.js')
.ready(function(errors, window) {

    url: '/api/method/action',
    json: true
  }).done(function(result) {
    console.log(; // AAA
      url: '/api/method/action',
      json: true,
      method: 'POST'
    }).done(function(result) {
      console.log(result.success); // OK



Injecting JavaScript into the head of the document

var b = atomus()
.injectJS('var getTheAnswer = function() { return 42; }')
.ready(function(errors, window) {
  console.log(window.getTheAnswer()); // 42


  • npm install
  • npm test

Checkout the test folder. There are tests that run Atomus against AngularJS and Ractive.js frameworks.


  • Have in mind that often you have to take care about the events' triggering. For example if you change the value of an input field by setting .value property you need to dispatch a change event. Otherwise you will not get the listeners called.
  • The global scope is accessible via the window object. So if you import Angular, for example, on the page you need to reference it through window.Angular and not just Angular.
  • Atomus is based on JSDOM which is not simulating everything. You may not be able to use the History API for example.
  • Atomus successfully patches the console.log calls so you receive all the logs into the terminal
  • The library supports localStorage. However, it is not part of jsdom. It's a polyfill.

Other resources



A small utility library for running client-side tests in Node.js environment

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%