kragen / cuerda

a scalable buffer

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Cuerda: a scalable buffer

Buffer? Like, an editor buffer. Like if you want to edit a multi-gigabyte text file. With guaranteed worst-case performance for the usual operations. Cuerda is a string type into which you can lazily load the contents of a multi-gigabyte file, attach metadata to substrings, efficiently insert and delete text anywhere in the string, index around as you please, and then efficiently write it back out.

You can write a simple text editor just using a regular string for the file you’re editing, unless you’re in a language like Microsoft BASIC or Turbo Pascal or something where your strings are limited to 255 bytes. But it won’t perform very well, because the regular string data type is optimized for small strings, so when you insert and delete far from the end of a long string, it will be slow.

Also, editors have metadata associated with text in the buffer — fonts, bookmarks, syntax-highlighting state, line numbers, and so on. This metadata should move with that text when it moves, for example because stuff is inserted before it.

One well-known approach to the scalable-string problem is the Rope, where you never modify existing data (the data structure is “persistent”), and you represent your string as a binary tree of concatenations at whose leaves you find chunks of characters. Using a Rope as your string type means that the fundamental string operations (substring, concatenation, indexing) are relatively fast (exactly how fast depends on your tree-rebalancing strategy) and consume little memory, and you never run afoul of your generational GC’s write barrier, but your memory usage is unpredictable and difficult to analyze because of sharing. Also, you get “undo” more or less for free. Xanadu implemented not only editing but also version control and transclusion with ropes. (Or it was intended to do so; I never quite understood how far along the implementation of the Ent, as it was called, got.)

However, memory usage is not the main problem with ropes. The main problem is that editors need to attach metadata to substrings, including hyperlink destinations, and then mutate that metadata, but that mutable metadata moves around with the characters it’s attached to. And there’s no clear way to do that with ropes.

(Another, perhaps smaller, problem with ropes is that they have very poor locality of reference, so their constant factor on modern CPUs is very slow.)

Cuerda solves these problems, at the expense of losing ropes’ ability to inexpensively refer to older versions of the data, and beating the hell out of your garbage collector’s write barrier, if you have one. Cuerda is a mutable string type that supports metadata that refers to particular spans in the string, called “ranges”, analogous to XEmacs “extents”, which move with the insertions and deletions in the string. Cuerda has good worst-case efficiency from cuerdas of about 32 bytes up to cuerdas of at least a tebibyte, and with up to about 64 bytes of text per range.


Yeah, I’ll totally put an example here.


There are four kinds of objects in the API: cuerdas, slices, ranges, and allocation disciplines. A cuerda is a mutable string, and slices and ranges are subsets of cuerdas. Slices can be ephemerally created and become invalid when the cuerda changes, while ranges must be explicitly destroyed, are updated when the cuerda changes, and are associated with some metadata. Finally, an allocation discipline is a way that the cuerda will allocate or deallocate when necessary.

XXX should a range just be a kind of slice? Should the cuerda objects be exposed at all, or are ranges enough?

XXX Also missing: an explicit search interface (so search doesn’t involve multiple function calls per byte) and maybe some more convenient interface.

Basic cuerda creation and destruction

cuerda *cuerda_new() allocates a new empty cuerda with malloc and returns it. This is a convenience wrapper for the more elaborate cuerda_make interface. Constant time, assuming the allocator is constant-time; this same assumption is made in all of what follows.

cuerda_new returns NULL if malloc fails. However, you’re probably fooling yourself if you think your program using dynamic allocation is prepared to handle allocation failures. It’s better in the vast majority of cases to set jemalloc’s opt.abort or the nonportable equivalent in your allocator.

void cuerda_free(cuerda *) destroys all the nodes in the indicated cuerda, and deallocates the cuerda itself using the same allocator. This is a convenience wrapper for cuerda_destroy. It takes O(N) time in the data in the cuerda.


Any access to the contents of a cuerda uses a slice to indicate which part of the contents are to be accessed. Slices are small ephemeral objects, and they are generally copied to avoid memory-management headaches. Creating and modifying slices does not write to a cuerda; writing to a cuerda invalidates all previously existing slices on it.

cuerda_slice cuerda_all(cuerda *) returns a slice including the entire cuerda in constant time.

cuerda_slice cuerda_slice_advance(cuerda_slice, ptrdiff_t nbytes) returns a copy of the given slice with its beginning moved forward by at most the given number of bytes, including backward if negative. If this would advance it past the end of the slice, it is moved forward to the end of the slice instead; if this would move it backward before the beginning of the cuerda, it is moved to the beginning of the cuerda instead. O(log(N)) in the size of the cuerda.

cuerda_slice cuerda_slice_extend(cuerda_slice, ptrdiff_t nbytes) is analogous to cuerda_slice_advance, but moves the end rather than the beginning. If this would move it backward before the beginning of the slice, it is moved to the beginning of the slice instead; if this would move it forward past the end of the cuerda, it is moved to the end of the cuerda instead. O(log(N)) in the size of the cuerda.

size_t cuerda_length(cuerda_slice) returns the number of bytes in the given slice, like strlen. O(log(N)) in the size of the cuerda.

XXX iterating over chunks of bytes in a slice?

XXX overlaps, intersects, contains?


cuerda_range *cuerda_new_range(cuerda_slice, int tag, void *user_data) dynamically allocates a new range pointing to the given slice with the given metadata. This is a convenience wrapper for cuerda_make_range. It returns NULL on allocation failure. Takes O(log(N)) time in the size of the cuerda.

void cuerda_free_range(cuerda_range *) destroys and deallocates a range. This is a convenience wrapper for cuerda_destroy_range. O(log(N)) time in the size of the cuerda.

The more important performance consideration is that if you leave ranges sitting around, they take up a surprising amount of memory, and also slow down all kinds of mutation operations in their vicinity, although not nearly as much as you probably expect if you’re used to thinking about markers in Elisp. So you should probably free your ranges at the earliest opportunity. If you love them, at least.

cuerda_slice cuerda_get_range(cuerda_range *) returns the slice that the given range currently covers. Constant time. XXX what to do if the cuerda is already destroyed?

int cuerda_set_range(cuerda_range *, cuerda_slice) makes the given range cover an arbitrary different slice. O(log(N)) time in the size of the cuerda in the worst case. It returns true unless there was an allocation failure, which can totally happen, so watch out.

The cuerda_range structure itself has public fields cuerda, tag, and user_data.

XXX iterating over the ranges in a slice

Getting bytes from and putting bytes into cuerdas

int cuerda_copy(cuerda_slice dest, cuerda_slice src) replaces the bytes contained in dest with a copy of the contents of src, which need not be the same length, and returns true unless there was an allocation failure. dest and src may belong to the same cuerda or different cuerdas. I don’t know what it will do if they overlap yet. Takes O(N+log(M)) time, with N being the size of the data copied, and M being the size of the destination cuerda.

If dest is empty, this is simple insertion; if src is empty, it is simple deletion. The combined operation is provided because it can be more efficient. If dest is cuerda_all(c), this is analogous to strcpy; if it is an empty slice at the end of a cuerda, this is analogous to strcat.

The following variants provide similar functionality with other sources of data:

int cuerda_splice_file(cuerda_slice dest, int fd, size_t fbegin, size_t fend), analogously, lazily splices a byte range from the given file descriptor into the cuerda. Because it’s lazy, this takes O(log(N)) time in the previous size of the cuerda. The cuerda takes ownership of the file descriptor — that is, thereafter it will seek around in the file and read from it, and the file will be closed when the cuerda is destroyed. So don’t use the file descriptor elsewhere thereafter. Also, if the contents of the file changes while the cuerda exists, the results may be indeterminate.

XXX I don’t currently have a good way to report I/O errors.

int cuerda_splice_bytes_lazily(cuerda_slice dest, char *bytes, char *bend), analogously, lazily splices a region of memory into the cuerda. You should guarantee that the memory will not change until you remove this region from the cuerda; if it changes, results may be indeterminate. Also takes O(log(N)) time in the previous size of the cuerda.

int cuerda_splice_bytes(cuerda_slice dest, char *bytes, char *bend), analogously, eagerly splices a region of memory into the cuerda, immediately copying it into cuerda nodes. This takes O(log(N) + M) time, where N is the previous size of the cuerda, and M is bend-bytes.

void cuerda_get(char *dest, cuerda_slice src) copies the specified byte range from the cuerda into the space starting at dest. This does not NUL-terminate dest; it writes strictly cuerda_len(src) bytes to dest, and cuerdas support NUL bytes just like any other byte. NUL-terminate it yourself if you need that. This takes O(log(N) + M) time, where N is the total size of the cuerda, and M is the cuerda_len(src).

void cuerda_write(int fd, cuerda_slice src) writes the specified byte range from the cuerda to the given file descriptor. God knows what kind of time this will take. It may hang with nfs server bozo not responding still trying until you fix your NFS server.

XXX I don’t currently have a good way to report I/O errors here either. At least this time I have a return value I could use.


XXX this section is obsolete but I haven’t fixed the ranges section yet

cuerda_mark *cuerda_first_mark(cuerda *, size_t begin, size_t end) returns a pointer to the first mark within the given region, or NULL if there are none. O(log(N)) time in the size of the cuerda.

cuerda_mark *cuerda_next_mark(cuerda_mark *, size_t end) returns the next mark following the given mark before the position end, or NULL if there is none. O(N) time in the distance to end, since this could potentially traverse an arbitrarily large number of leafnodes.

More flexible but less convenient functions

int cuerda_make(cuerda *dest, cuerda_allocator alloc) sets up a new cuerda in the uninitialized memory at dest to represent emptiness, using the given allocator discipline to request new nodes. It returns true unless there is an allocation failure. Constant time.

void cuerda_destroy(cuerda *) deallocates all the nodes of the specified cuerda, but doesn’t try to deallocate the cuerda itself. O(N) time.

int cuerda_make_range(cuerda_range *dest, cuerda_slice, int tag, void *user_data) sets up a new range in the uninitialized memory at dest. It returns true unless there is an allocation failure. O(log(N)) in cuerda size.

void cuerda_destroy_range(cuerda_range *) destroys a range (detaching it from its cuerda) but doesn’t try to deallocate it. O(log(N)) in cuerda size.

An allocator discipline cuerda_allocator is a struct specifying how to allocate and deallocate nodes; you can initialize the standard one on most systems as:

cuerda_allocator std = {malloc, free};

I think strict standards compliance requires wrapping malloc and free in two-argument functions here.

The full definition is as follows:

typedef struct {
    void *(*malloc)(size_t, void *user_data);
    void (*free)(void *, void *user_data);
    void *user_data;
} cuerda_allocator;

When the malloc and free members are invoked, the user_data supplied is passed to them as a second argument. Most C implementations use the same calling convention for nearly all functions, which has to be caller-pops-args in order to support varargs, so the system malloc and free will never know if cuerda invokes them with this extra argument!


Cuerda doesn’t lock. In the usual case where a cuerda is confined to a single thread, this is what you want. If you’re going to access a cuerda from multiple threads, go ahead, but make sure you don’t have multiple threads modifying it at a time, or any other threads reading it while some thread is modifying it.

This is tricky because anything you lazily splice into a cuerda involves implicit modification even when you just read it. So you have to be extra mutexy with cuerdas that might have lazy splices still active; none of this multiple-readers nonsense. Otherwise, multiple readers are fine.

Creating and moving ranges in a cuerda counts as modifying it. Creating and manipulating cuerda_slice objects for it does not.

Also, keep in mind that, if you’re using threads, you probably need some memory fence instructions to make sure those modifications are completely visible, like the ones introduced by pretty much whatever locking mechanism you use. Use whatever you want. Just don’t expect me to be interested in your sick perversions. Remember, ken created fork() for a reason.

Internal design overview

A cuerda is a mutable in-memory B-tree, in which each non-root node has a pointer to its parent, and each parent knows the total number of bytes of text in each child’s subtree. There are two types of leaf nodes: those that contain literal bytes in memory and those that lazily load data from an open file or area of memory.

A range consists of the attached metadata and two marks, internal objects that do not escape the cuerda API.

Each leaf node has an array of pointers to the marks in that leaf node; each mark has a pointer to its leaf node, a byte offset within that leaf node, a type tag, and a pointer to some arbitrary application-specific metadata associated with that mark and that type tag.

The root node’s parent pointer points at the cuerda object, because when we split the root node, we need a way to point the cuerda object at the new root node.

The cuerda object itself contains pointers to the first and last leaf nodes in order to make traversal from the beginning constant-time.

Because nodes have parent pointers, they cannot be shared between cuerdas.

Leaf nodes are split when they contain either too many marks or too much text.

Except in a leaf-node-only tree, all tree nodes are 504 bytes, a strange number chosen, phyllotactically, to minimize cache-line collisions, while having a total size in a reasonable range.

On a 64-bit machine, internal nodes contain an 8-byte parent pointer followed by 31 (child-pointer, subtree-weight) pairs, 16 bytes each. This permits a branching factor of 31.

Normal leaf nodes also contain a parent pointer, and then they are divided between text bytes and an array of mark pointers, using three counts: a current number of text bytes, a current number of bytes of slack space after the text bytes, and a current number of mark pointers, which run to the end of the node. (If all leaf nodes were the same size, this third would be unnecessary.) These three numbers are packed together into a 32-bit integer, leaving 492 bytes for text and mark pointers.

With this approach, a tebibyte of text fits into 2,234,779,732 leaf nodes. (So we could probably get by identifying each node inside a given tree with a 32-bit unsigned number, but we’d still need more than that for the subtree weights, at least 5 bytes per subtree weights. Consider this for later. This would be especially helpful for leaf-node parent pointers, where it would improve memory efficiency by almost 1%.)

Nodes are split when they become overfull and merged when they become less than ⅓ full. The number of mark pointers per leaf node is limited to 16, so if you have a lot of marks, you can end up splitting a leaf node even if it’s mostly empty space. This is because updating marks after an insertion or deletion involves expensive random accesses to memory.

A 31-way B-tree with 2,234,779,732 leaf nodes needs to have 7 levels of internal nodes, which levels can contain respectively up to 1, 31, 961, 29,791, 923,521, 28,629,151, and 887,503,681 internal nodes. A 7-internal-level tree of this form can accommodate 27,512,614,111 leaf nodes, and therefore in the worst case (where all the leaf nodes are ⅓ full) can accommodate 4,512,068,714,204 bytes of combined text. It contains only 917,087,137 internal nodes totaling 462,211,917,048 bytes, a bit over 10% of the text size.

(XXX what if all the nodes are only ⅓ full? Then it’s just a 10-way B-tree! And you only have 164 × 10⁷ ≈ 1.6GB of text. Maybe I should use a larger branching factor in part to tamp down on that worst-case case, and also to reduce the 2.4% overhead in the leaf nodes and this 10% overhead of internal nodes. See below in section “re-analyzing with larger nodes”)

So the worst-case time for inserting a byte at the beginning of a cuerda of less than 4.5 terabytes (of text and marks) is as follows:

  1. Split the leaf node, involving the allocation and initialization of another 504-byte leaf node, the copying of (up to) 246 bytes of text into it, and the insertion of the byte into the original node, which involves moving all 246 remaining bytes.
  2. Split the parent nodes on all 7 levels of internal nodes, except that the root is not split, each one involving the moving of 504 bytes of pointers either into a new node or 16 bytes to the right.
  3. Increment the 7 levels of subtree weights.
  4. Iterate over the marks in the two leaf nodes modified to update their offsets and possibly which nodes they point to. There cannot have been more than 16 mark pointers in the original leaf node, so this involves modifying up to 256 bytes of memory in up to 16 places.

In total, this involves reading 8504 + 1616 = 4288 bytes of memory from 24 random places (8 nodes and 16 marks) and writing the same amount to those same places plus 8 more (16 nodes and 16 marks). On a cold cache, with each random memory access costing 100ns, I would expect this to take about 4μs. (If you have tebibytes of RAM, though, maybe it will take longer than 100ns to access it.)

However, it’s impossible to hit this worst-case time consistently, because even if you repeatedly insert and delete at the beginning of the cuerda, you won’t repeatedly unsplit the higher-level nodes. You could repeatedly insert and delete an 83-byte string at the beginning so that the leafnode alternates between merging and splitting, but that won’t repeatedly split its parent node; it will only repeatedly split and merge the leaf node, involving copying about 750 bytes each time. This is admittedly almost 10× bigger than the 83 bytes you’re inserting and deleting, but that’s a reasonable level of overhead, particularly since, in an absolute sense, we’re talking about 250 nanoseconds or so.

Even if you insert at different places in the cuerda chosen to be the most costly, the worst you can do is 31 of these 4μs ultra-splittings in a row. But then there are 31× as many opportunities to split one layer less of parent nodes, etc.

If you insert at random places, the situation is much better! 491 of 492 byte insertions will simply copy bytes inside the leaf node (less than 246 bytes on average), and of the remaining 0.2%, 30 of 31 will copy those bytes and then do a single layer of splitting.

“Virtual” leaf nodes contain, rather than bytes of text, a way to get the bytes of text, either from an open file or from some area of memory. When accessed, these bytes are copied into normal leaf nodes, which can result in splitting parent nodes.

Re-analyzing with bigger nodes

Suppose we use 1096-byte nodes instead?

Now normal leafnodes contain 12 bytes of parent pointer and count fields, but then have space for 1084 bytes of text and markers. 1084 bytes of text might reasonably contain up to 34 markers, which kind of sucks because it means that inserting into the leaf node might require adjusting offsets at 34 random memory addresses.

One tebibyte of text stored 1084 bytes per leafnode requires only 1,014,309,620 leafnodes, less than half the previous number.

Internal nodes now contain an 8-byte parent pointer followed by 68 (child-pointer, subtree-weight) pairs, so now our branching factor is 68 instead of 31. This gets us to 1,014,309,620 leafnodes in only 6 levels of nodes (5 internal): 1, 68, 4624, 314,432, 21,381,376, 1,453,933,568; there are a total of 21,700,501 internal nodes in a full tree, totaling 23,783,749,096 bytes, which is only about 2% of the tebibyte of text data they index.

Having only 5 levels of internal nodes instead of 7 means that the worst case of underfull internal nodes is not as bad. It reduces our branching factor to 23, so varying levels of nodes have respectively 1, 23, 529, 12,167, 279,841, and 6,436,343 nodes; the leaf nodes there are capable of holding 6,976,995,812 bytes, but will only hold 2,329,956,166 bytes if they are minimally (⅓) full.

From this strange situation, it would be possible to fill up a subtree until it forces the root node to split, bringing us to an undesirable 6 levels of internal nodes. (And this is also true with the 504-byte design.)

A full-depth split now would involve splitting 6 levels of 1096-byte nodes instead of 8 levels of 504-byte nodes, so about 6K rather than about 4K. This is not an improvement. Worse, we end up having to update twice as many marks, which could be the majority of the expense.

This is making pointer compression look increasingly appealing!

Re-analyzing with pointer compression

Suppose you have 504-byte nodes, but you decide to pump up the branching factor by hook or by crook.

First, you can store the nodes in arrays of nodes, and name them by array indices rather than by memory addresses. If your tebibyte of text needs up to about 3 billion nodes to store it, and it does, you can use 32-bit indices to name the nodes.

Second, you never have 2⁶⁴ bytes of text in a subtree, or even close. A tebibyte is 2⁴⁰, and that only needs 5 bytes. But you could very reasonably use a variable-length number encoding for subtree weight. A really simple one uses 7 bits per byte to hold digits and 1 bit per byte to signal termination; this is generally cheaper than having a count byte. The vast majority of subtree weights are in the bottom couple of layers of internal nodes, and those weights are pretty small. A leaf node can have up to 492 bytes (9 bits of weight), and a bottom-level internal node can have up to, say, 64 leaf nodes (15 bits of weight).

You can probably actually get better efficiency using a couple of flag bits in the internal node to indicate whether all subtree weights under it are stored in 16, 32, or 40 bits. You can probably steal those flag bits from somewhere.

That allows the bottom couple of levels of internal nodes to use 4-byte pointers and 2-byte subtree-weight fields, for 6 bytes per branch. And the parent-node pointer has reduced to 4 bytes! (Hmm, maybe not, since we don’t know which cuerda we’re in when we follow a marker pointer.)

So if we have 496 bytes of 6-byte branches, we can do 82-way branching in the bottom couple of levels of the internal nodes. So each bottom-level internal node handles 82 leafnodes (up to 40,344 bytes), and each next-level internal node handles 82 of those (up to 3,308,208 bytes). Above that we need 32-bit subtree weights, or at least 24-bit ones (but let’s use 32), so each third-level internal node divides its 496 bytes of data into 62 branches, or up to 205,108,896 bytes in all. That’s still well inside the 32-bit range, so the fourth-level internal nodes can still branch 62 ways, each handling 12,716,751,552 bytes, which is just about the size of my entire RAM. Then a fifth-level node needs 5-byte subtree weights, so it can only branch 55 ways, for a total of 699,421,335,360 bytes, which is still not a tebibyte, although it’s a lot bigger than my current RAM. But a sixth-level node can handle dozens of tebibytes.

The downside of using arrays in this way is that we have to manage the allocation. But this is not an impossible problem. The cuerda object points to an array of pointers to node arrays, increasing in size by factors of 2, and there’s an allocation index that points to the next uninitialized node, and a linked list of already-freed nodes (from coalescing) to allocate from before bumping the allocation index.

However, if you use a real allocator like jemalloc for this, it may do a better job at avoiding the allocation of memory that isn’t being used, and you don’t have to do address arithmetic to dereference pointers between nodes. You just have 8 bytes per pointer.

If we can align the nodes to 16-byte boundaries and allocate them within a specified region of virtual memory that’s no more than 2³⁶ bytes in size, then you can subtract a base address and shift the offset right by four bits to get a 32-bit value; this approach is what the JVM calls “compressed oops”, and it gives you up to 64 gibibytes of memory space with 32-bit pointers. The upcoming 4.0.0 release of jemalloc will hopefully support custom chunk allocators and give you 4 bytes per pointer and also no address arithmetic for dereferencing. In the meantime, you could potentially just use mmap().


a scalable buffer