kr15uk / Open-XYZ-daVinci-Jr

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


XYZ Printing daVinci Jr 1.0 is cheap little printer which simply "just works". Still believe it's good for beginers.

But quite quickly you will start to see it's short comings and untapped potential.

My issues in chronological order:

Limited range and quite pricey filament from XYZ direct and due to the NFC chips you can't use any 3rd party filament.

When got around NFC "issue" came slicer software limitations.

Then material choice - limited to PLA only, surely this could be great ABS machine due to the enclosure but there's no heated bed...

It was time to "free" this little machine...

=== All these modifications were done good 4-5x years back so might not be up to date or well maintained.

If you are interested in Jr conversion to RAMPS or any other open firmware board - search for SoliForum on iterwebbs.

This repo is more like complimentary.

Also I had all these files posted on thingiverse 1st so if you're after more info please search down there.
