kpundt93 / NationalParksApi.Solution

Epicodus week 13 independent project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

National Parks API

By: Katie Pundt

An API with basic details about US National Parks.

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .NET5
  • NuGet
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Swagger
  • git
  • GitHub
  • MySQL
  • MySQL Workbench


An API to look up basic information about US National parks. Users can filter results by state, park name, keywords, and if they've visited that park.

The corresponding MVC application can be found here:

Setup/Installation Instructions

  • Download, install, and configure MySQL
  • Open the terminal on your desktop
  • Once in the terminal, use it to navigate to your desktop folder
  • Once inside your desktop folder, use the command git clone
  • After cloning the project, navigate into it using the command cd NationalParksApi.Solution/NationalParksApi
  • Create a file named "appsettings.json" in the NationalParksApi directory
  • Add the following code to appsettings.json and add your MySQL user ID and password:
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=katie_pundt;uid=[YOUR MYSQL USER ID];pwd=[YOUR MYSQL PASSWORD];"
  • Then run the command dotnet ef database update
  • Then run the command dotnet restore to install project dependencies
  • Then run the command dotnet run to start the server

Swagger Documentation

This API uses Swagger for automated documentation. You can also use Swagger to test out queries.

Swagger Instructions:

  • Navigate to http://localhost:5000/index.html to access Swagger and view API endpoints
  • Test out queries by clicking on the "Try It Out" button, enter your query in the form and click the "Execute" button to view responses
  • Note: the server must be running to access Swagger and test out queries

API endpoints

HTTP Requests

GET /api/Parks
POST /api/Parks
GET /api/Parks{id}
PUT /api/Parks{id}
DELETE /api/Parks{id}


Parameter Type Description
Name string Returns any park by name
State string Returns parks located in that state
Visited string Returns parks based on if they've been visited by the user
Description string Returns a short description of the park when given a keyword (ex: volcano, alpine, etc)

Example Query


Sample JSON

    "parkId": 1,
    "name": "Crater Lake",
    "state": "OR",
    "description": "Crater Lake lies in the caldera of Mount Mazama formed 7,700 years ago after an eruption. It is the deepest lake in the United States and is known for its blue color and water clarity. There are two islands in the lake, and, with no inlets or outlets, all water comes through precipitation.",
    "visited": "Yes"

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs


MIT License:

Copyright (c) 2022 Katie Pundt


Epicodus week 13 independent project


Language:C# 100.0%