SaaS for your personal sex analytics
Kenny Peluso
A personalized website showcasing your sexual history.
Built as a birthday gift for my friends for their personal entertainment, pride, and to codify important medical information in an engaging, mobile-friendly format.
accounts-password 1.5.0 Password support for accounts
blaze-html-templates 1.1.2 Compile HTML templates into reactive UI with Meteor Blaze
ecmascript 0.9.0* Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
es5-shim 4.6.15* Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support
fourseven:scss 4.5.4 Style with attitude. Sass and SCSS support for Meteor.js.
meteor-base 1.2.0* Packages that every Meteor app needs
mobile-experience 1.0.5 Packages for a great mobile user experience
mongo 1.3.1* Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
reactive-var 1.0.11 Reactive variable
session 1.1.7 Session variable
shell-server 0.3.1 Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command.
standard-minifier-css 1.3.5* Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js 2.2.3* Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by default.
tracker 1.1.3 Dependency tracker to allow reactive callbacks