kparlante / kpiggybank

KPI interaction data store

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A backend store for Key Performance Indicator (KPI) data.

Node.JS + CouchDB.

Piggybanks have a somewhat peculiar protocol in that they are write-many read-once. You can put as many blobs (coins, bills, gift cards, it doesn't care because it's document-centric) as you want into piggybank (within allocated storage of course), but the extraction of resources from piggybank (coins, etc) is a one-time destructive operation (what old-timers referred to as "smashing it on the floor").


  • An accessible CouchDB server for persistence.
  • Node.JS (0.6.17 or greater)


  • git clone:
  • npm install


  • npm test

The test suite simulates throwing a thousand login sequences at the KPI store.

It is anticipated that, with 1 million users, BrowserID will generate some 100 sign-in activities per second. The test suite requires that kpiggy bank can completely store and retrieve records at a rate at least twice as fast as this.

If you want to experiment with the server without having couch installed, use the in-memory data store:

DB_BACKEND=memory node lib/server.js

Note that the in-memory data is not saved anywhere. It's just for testing.


For configuration, the file can be copied to and edited. kpiggybank will look for the following environment variables:

  • DB_BACKEND: One of "couchdb", "memory", "dummy". Default "couchdb".
  • DB_HOST: IP addr of couch server. Default "".
  • DB_PORT: Port number of couch server. Default "5984".
  • DB_NAME: Name of the database. Default "bid_kpi".
  • DB_USER: Username for database if required. Default "kpiggybank".
  • DB_PASS: Password for database if required. Default "kpiggybank".
  • HOST: ""
  • PORT: Port for the kpiggybank server. Default "3000".
  • MODE: Governs how verbose logging should be. Set to "prod" for quieter logging. Default "dev".

Start the server like so:

  • npm start

Or like so:

  • node lib/server.js

Or change your env configuration with something like:

  • DB_NAME=bid_kpi_test npm start

When running kpiggybank for the first time on a given database, it will ensure that the db exists, creating it if it doesn't.

Please note that the database named bid_kpi_test is deleted as part of the test suite.

Running on AWS

You can use in-tree awsbox scripts to deploy kpiggybank on Amazon's cloud infrastructure.

This process is now just like the process of deploying browserid on AWS, see:

The one modification is that kpiggybank's deploy script ignores mail setup.



  • api.saveData(blob [, callback]) - save a hopefully valid event blob
  • api.fetchRange([ options, ] callback) - fetch some or all events
  • api.count(callback) - get number of records in DB
  • api.followChanges() - connect to event stream


  • change - a newly-arrived json blob of delicious KPI data
  • error - oh noes


The HTTP API calls are wrapped for convenience in a JS module. You can of course call the HTTP methods directly if you want. Example of using the JS API:

    var API = require("lib/api");
    var api = new API(server_host, server_port);
    api.saveData(yourblob, yourcallback);

The callback is optional.

To query a range:

    var options = {start: 1, end: 42}; // optional 
    api.fetchRange(options, callback);

options are ... optional, so you can get all records like so:


Subscribe to changes stream. The changes stream is an event emitter. Use like so:

    api.followChanges()  // now subscribed

    api.on('change', function(change) {
        // do something visually stunning


Post Data

Post a blob of data to /wsapi/interaction_data.
The post data should contain a JSON object following the example here:

In particular, the timestamp field is required, and should be a unix timestamp (seconds since the epoch); not an ISO date string.

  • url: /wsapi/interaction_data
  • method: POST
  • required param: {data: <your data blob>}

Get Data

Retrieve a range of records; returns a JSON string.

  • url: /wsapi/interaction_data?start=<date-start>&end=<date-end>
  • method: GET

Count Records

Retrieve a count of the number of records; returns a JSON encoded number.

  • url: /wsapi/interaction_data/count
  • method: GET


All source code here is available under the MPL 2.0 license, unless otherwise indicated.


KPI interaction data store



Language:JavaScript 88.8%Language:CSS 10.3%Language:Shell 1.0%