I participated in [NAVER NLP Challenge 2018] and ranked 6th as an individual participant (Team : kozistr_team)
And also i uploaded the codes and will also upload presentation file.
SRL (Semantic Role Labeling)
Mission | Metric | Score | Rank | Code |
SRL | F1 | 74.7695 | 6th | code |
Name | Value | Note |
Epochs | 20 | 15 ~ 20 에서 converge |
LR | 1e-3 | |
LR decay factor | 0.9 | by 1 epoch (exp decay) |
gradient clipping | 5.0 | |
Batch Size | 20 | 더도 덜도 말고 20 |
DropOut Rate | 0.5 | 0.5 is the best |
Embeddings | 256 | 256 good |
LSTM unit size | 256 | grid search [128, 256, 300] |
Optimizer | Adam |