kosmotaur / crypto-converter

CLI to convert your cryptocurrency portfolio holdings to one single target currency.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

crypto-converter semantic-release

CLI to convert your cryptocurrency portfolio holdings to one single target currency.


Most tools out there that try to help you with tracking cryptocurrencies' values are doing a bit too much. Therefore I've built this CLI, to convert JSON with your holdings to a target currency, be it fiat or another crypto. Built on top of CryptoCompare's API.


npm i -g crypto-converter


crypto-converter [options] [path-to-balances-file]

Balances is expected to be a JSON file of a structure like:

  "BTC": 0.01,
  "ETH": 0.9,
  "XRP": 12


  --help          Show help                                            [boolean]
  --version       Show version number                                  [boolean]
  --currency, -c  Target currency to convert holdings to        [default: "gbp"]

Usage examples


$ crypto-converter balances.json

{"0.0100 BTC":"71.08 GBP","0.9000 ETH":"603.50 GBP","12.0000 XRP":"9.45 GBP","total":"684.03 GBP"}

with target currency

$ crypto-converter -c EUR balances.json

{"0.0100 BTC":"79.98 EUR","0.9000 ETH":"673.41 EUR","12.0000 XRP":"10.64 EUR","total":"764.03 EUR"}

piping output for formatting

$ crypto-converter balances.json | python -mjson.tool

    "0.0100 BTC": "71.36 GBP",
    "0.9000 ETH": "603.48 GBP",
    "12.0000 XRP": "9.51 GBP",
    "total": "684.35 GBP"

using with jq (incl. colours!)

$ crypto-converter balances.json | jq

  "0.0100 BTC": "71.06 GBP",
  "0.9000 ETH": "603.39 GBP",
  "12.0000 XRP": "9.53 GBP",
  "total": "683.98 GBP"


CLI to convert your cryptocurrency portfolio holdings to one single target currency.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%