Light bugtracker system on flask and mongodb. Your can see demo site at
- Add AJAX for forms
- Typography (FIXME, TODO, WARNING, INFO, etc)
- Cut (Spoiler)
- Sidebar
- Git hosting (with forks and pullrequests)
- lxml (for testing)
- MongoDB >= 3.0.7
- Flask>=0.10.1
- Flask-Login>=0.2.11
- Flask-WTF>=0.10.0
- Flask-Admin>=1.0.8
- Flask-Script>=2.0.5
- flask-mongoengine>=0.7.0
- python >= 3.3
- Clone repo with "git clone"
- Install all dependencies (python dependencies can be install from requirements.txt with pip)
- Create a
by this example:
DB_HOSTNAME = 'db' # Your database host, if db running on same server
DB_NAME = 'neobug'
SECRET_KEY = 'ZaikaDropnulTable'
- Run ./ debug for debug and ./ runserver for common using.
- Register your account on http://localhost:5000/.
- Make your user administrator: Run ./ shell and run:
from neobug.models import User
user = User.objects(username="login")[0] # where login is your user's username from step 4.
user.admin = True