koron / java-vbf

Volaitle Bloom Filter for Java

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Volatile Bloom Filter for Java

java-vbf is an implementation of Volatile Bloom Filter for Java.


java-hlltc is available on GitHub Packages. (Japanese version)

for Maven

  1. Create a personal access token with read:packages permission at https://github.com/settings/tokens

  2. Put username and token to your ~/.m2/settings.xml file with <server> tag.

  3. Add a repository to your repositories section in project's pom.xml file.

  4. Add a <dependency> tag to your <dependencies> tag.


Please read public document also. (Japanese)

for Gradle

  1. Create a personal access token with read:packages permission at https://github.com/settings/tokens

  2. Put username and token to your ~/.gradle/gradle.properties file.

  3. Add a repository to your repositories section in build.gradle file.

    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/koron/java-vbf")
        credentials {
            username = project.findProperty("gpr.user") ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
            password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") ?: System.getenv("TOKEN")
  4. Add an implementation to your dependencies section.

    implementation 'net.kaoriya:vbf:0.0.2'

Please read public document also. (Japanese).

Getting Started

with VBF3 Redis

Example code to using VBF3 with Redis backend. There more information about VBF3 in this document.

import net.kaoriya.vbf3.RedisVBF3;

// connect Redis with Jedis
JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig(), "localhost");
try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) {

  // (1/6) Setting up a filter

  // Parameters for VBF3
  final long  m = (long)1000;       // size in bytes of this VBF
  final short k = (short)7;         // number of hashes
  final short maxLife = (short)52;  // max of life, for `put()`

  // Open an existing VB-Filter, or create new one.
  // This will be failed if existing one have wrong parameters.
  RedisVBF3 f = new RedisVBF3.open(jedis, "redis-key-base-of-filter", m, k);

  // (2/6) Putting data

  // put some values to a VBF (with max life time)
  f.put((short)52, "value001");
  f.put((short)52, "value002", "value003");

  // put a value with short life time.
  f.put((short)10, ,"value004".getBytes());

  // put a string value. (`put(String, short)` is provoided.
  f.put((short)52, "value005");

  // (3/6) Checking data existence

  // Check with `byte[]`
  f.check("value001".getBytes());  // this should return `true`

  // Check with `String`
  f.check("value002");             // this should return `true`

  // Check a data which not put
  f.check("no-exists");            // this should return `false`

  // (4/6) Advance generation (forget old data)

  // Forward 10 generations. as a result, above `value004` (which have short
  // life time) will be forgotten.

  // This should return `false` now

  // (5/6) Sweep expired data


  // (6/6) Drop an unused filter. It removes corresponding values from Redis.


multiple put and check

put() and check() methods accept multiple values.

Example code:

// Put three keys at once: "foo", "bar", and "baz"
f.put((short)1, "foo", "bar", "baz");

// Check multiple value at once.

// This should return : new boolean[]{ true, true, true }
f.check("foo", "bar", "baz");

// This should return : new boolean[]{ true, false, true, false }
f.check("foo", "non", "bar", "qux");

with VBF(1) Redis

Example code to using VBF with Redis backend. "8" in "VBF8" means 8-bits for managing generation.

JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig(), "localhost");
try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) {
  final int m = 1000; // size in bytes of this VBF
  final int k = 7;    // number of hashes
  RedisVBF8 vbf = new RedisVBF8(jedis, "redis-key-for-this-vbf", m, k);

  // put some values to a VBF

  // check VBF has values
  vbf.check("value001".getBytes(), 0);  // this should return `true`
  vbf.check("value002".getBytes(), 0);  // this should return `true`
  vbf.check("no-exists".getBytes(), 0); // this should return `false`

  // subtract 1 from TTL of all flags.

  // (OPTION) delete/clear the key from Redis

Test with redis on docker

Redis on docker:

# Start redis on docker
$ docker run --rm --name vbf-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:6.2.3-alpine3.13

# Connect by cli
$ docker exec -it vbf-redis redis-cli

# Stop redis on docker
$ docker stop vbf-redis


# Run all tests
$ ./gradlew test

# Run partial tests (only vbf3)
$ ./gradlew test --tests '*.vbf3.*'

How to release

  1. update version in build.gradle

  2. ./gradlew test

  3. ./gradlew publish

    Set these properties with correct values in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties



Volaitle Bloom Filter for Java


Language:Java 100.0%