korhantokgoz / LenghtCounterProject

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Length Project With our knowledge of JavaScript, let’s calculate of the length of the tweet you wrote. Write your code inside the calculateCharacter function in script.js file. 1. To start, create a variable named tweet, and set it equal to some paragraph.

Use .length to count tweet characters. Set this to another variable named tweetCount.

Write a comment above that explains this line of code.

Set another variable to tweetLeft to count how many characters left. Use maksimum 150 characters.

Use console.log and string interpolation to log the result as follows: You have written TWEETCOUNT characters, you have TWEETLEFT charecters remaining.

Run your program by clicking the button to see your results! 7. Challange! Enrich your work. You can add a name prompt and use string interpolation to see your name in alert result. 8. Change your code using prompt to input tweet, and alert the result. 9. Prepare a Readme file and send your work to the github account.



Language:CSS 39.5%Language:JavaScript 31.5%Language:HTML 29.1%