kopiro / chat-text-analysis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chat text analysis

Generate graphs and statistics from your exported Telegram messages.


First you need to export your Telegram data to a result.json file. You can do this in the settings of the Telegram desktop client.

./telegram-statistics.py -i __import__/result.json -n "name"

Open the file result_2019-05-30.json and parse the chat history with Name Surname starting from 2018-01-01 up to now and generate the substring plot for the emojis "πŸ˜˜πŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ’“πŸ§‘πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ˜šπŸ˜πŸ₯°"

./telegram-statistics.py -i __import__/result_2019-05-30.json -n "Name Surname" -d 2018-01-01 -w "😘;πŸ’—;πŸ’™;πŸ’“;🧑;😘;πŸ’•;😚;😍;πŸ₯°"

Import Whatsapp

There is a convert-whatsapp.py to import a whatsapp exported Whatsapp Chat with Name.txt into a Telegram style json format. To find the correct [Name Surname] take the name in the first line in the Whatsapp export txt. However, the Whatsapp export is not as detailed as the Telegram export, so many numbers cannot be calculated.

./convert-whatsapp.py -i "Whatsapp Chat with Name.txt"
./telegram-statistics -i __import__/whatsapp-result.json -n "Name Surname"

Where "name" is the name displayed in Telegram (usually the surname).

Generated Files

The script generates multiple files in the __generated__/${person_name}_${person_id} directory

  • emojis.txt contains unicode encoded emojis and their count
  • raw_metrics.json raw numerical data (contains all text of both persons / large file)

HTML Files (Plots):

  • plot_hours.html bokeh plot of message frequency over the hours of one day
  • plot_month.html bokeh plot of number of messages sent per month
  • plot_month_characters.html bokeh plot of characters sent per month
  • plot_weekdays.html bokeh plot of message frequency over one week
  • plot_month_calls.html bokeh plot of number of calls per month
  • plot_month_call_time.html bokeh plot of total seconds on call per month
  • plot_month_photos.html bokeh plot of number of photos sent per month
  • plot_month_replytime.html bokeh plot of average monthly replytime (Beta)
  • plot_month_word_occurrence.html bokeh plot of combined substring occurences over time

Raw Files (one for each person):

  • raw_months_person.csv csv vaues of month data
  • raw_weekdays_person.csv csv vaues of weekday data
  • raw_months_chars_person.csv csv vaues of monthly character count data
  • raw_monthly_pictures_person.csv csv vaues of monthly picture count data
  • raw_monthly_calls_person.csv csv vaues of monthly number of calls
  • raw_monthly_call_duration_person.csv csv values of monthly call duration
  • raw_monthly_time_to_reply_person.csv csv vaues of monthly reply time


per chat

  • total number of messages
  • total number of words
  • total number of characters
  • count occurrence of each word
  • number of unique words

per person

  • total number of messages
  • total number of words
  • total number of characters
  • average number of words per message
  • average number of characters per message
  • count occurrence of each word
  • count occurrence of each emoji
  • number of messages formated with markdown
  • number of messages of type [animation, audio_file, sticker, video_message, voice_message]
  • number of photos
  • number of unique words


pip3 install -r requirements.txt


MIT License

Based on the original project and modified to my own needs.

Original Copyright (c) 2018 Simon Burkhardt


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%