kookster / hyperresource

An HTTP hypermedia client library for Ruby.

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a hypermedia client library for Ruby


HyperResource is a client library for hypermedia web services. It is usable with no configuration other than API root endpoint, but also allows incoming data types to be extended with Ruby code.

Currently HyperResource supports only the HAL+JSON hypermedia format. HAL is discussed here: http://stateless.co/hal_specification.html

Quick Tour

Set up API connection:

api = HyperResource.new(root: 'https://api.example.com',
                        headers: {'Accept' => 'application/vnd.example.com.v1+json'},
                        auth: {basic: ['username', 'password']})
# => #<HyperResource:0xABCD1234 @root="https://api.example.com" @href="" @namespace=nil ... >

Now we can get the API's root resource, the gateway to everything else on the API.

root = api.get
# => #<HyperResource:0xABCD1234 @root="https://api.example.com" @href="" @namespace=nil ... >

What'd we get back?

# => { 'message' => 'Welcome to the Example.com API',
#      'version' => 1,
#      '_links' => {
#        'self' => {'href' => '/'},
#        'users' => {'href' => '/users{?email,last_name}', 'templated' => true},
#        'forums' => {'href' => '/forums{?title}', 'templated' => true}
#      }
#    }

Lovely. Let's find a user by their email.

jdoe_user = api.users.where(email: "jdoe@example.com").first   # or,
jdoe_user = api.users(email: "jdoe@example.com").first         # same thing; .where is called implicitly 
                                                               # when accessing links
# => #<HyperResource:0x12312312 ...>

# => { '_links' => {
#        'self' => {'href' => '/users?email=jdoe@example.com'}
#      },
#      '_embedded' => {
#        'users' => [
#          { 'first_name' => 'John',
#            'last_name' => 'Doe',
#            '_links' => {
#              'self' => {'href' => '/users/1'},
#              'comments' => {'href' => '/users/1/comments{?forum,date}', 'templated' => true}
#            }
#          }
#        ]
#      }
#    }

Some things happened magically here. First, the users link has been added as a method on the api object. Then, calling first on a not-yet-loaded object -- the users link -- loaded it automatically. Finally, calling first on the object is a shorthand for returning the first object in the first collection in the _embedded field (and, therefore, the self.objects hash).

Now let's put it together. Johnny ran his mouth in the 'Politics' forum last Monday and somehow managed to piss off the entire Internet. Let's try and satisfy the DDoSing horde by amending his tone.

forum = api.forums(title: 'Politics').first
jdoe_user.comments(date: '2013-04-01', forum: forum).each do |comment|
  comment.text = "OMG PUPPIES!!"

Extending Data Types

If an API is returning data type information as part of the response -- and it really should be -- then we can assign those data types to ruby classes so that they can be extended.

For example, in our hypothetical Example API above, a user object is returned with a custom media type bearing a 'type=User' modifier. We will extend the User class with a few convenience methods.

class ExampleAPI < HyperResource
  class User < ExampleAPI
    def full_name
      first_name + ' ' + last_name

api.namespace = ExampleApi

user = api.users.where(email: 'jdoe@example.com').first
# => #<ExampleApi::User:0xffffffff ...>

# => "John Doe"

Don't worry if your API uses some other method to indicate resource data type; you can override the data_type_name method and implement your own logic.

Error Handling

HyperResource raises a HyperResource::ClientError on 4xx responses, and HyperResource::ServerError on 5xx responses. Catch one or both (HyperResource::ResponseError).

Recent Changes

  • Full GET/POST/PUT/DELETE support
  • Supports object caching through +Marshal.load+/+.unload+
  • Refactoring to allow Adapter classes

Authorship and License

Copyright 2013 Pete Gamache, pete@gamache.org.

If you got this far, you should probably follow me on Twitter. @gamache

Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt.


An HTTP hypermedia client library for Ruby.

License:MIT License