konst-aa / drafter

a discord bot for drafting magic the gathering written in elixir

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a simple bot that organizes magic the gathering drafts.


Make sure you have elixir installed. Installation instructions

Drafter depends on ImageMagick for concatenating card images. If you have brew installed, you can get it with:

brew install imagemagick

Once that is out of the way:

git clone git@github.com:konstantin-aa/drafter-ex.git
cd drafter-ex
mix deps.get


The config file can be found in /config/config.exs

Bot Token

Make sure that your bot has all gateway intents, then paste your bot token into the config file.

Super Users

Give people permission to manage pods and sets by adding them to the list of super users.


config :drafter,
  super_users: ["CrystalPal#5751", "Accorata#0236"]


The default prefix is ~!. Command prefixes have to be set manually because pattern matching in elixir must be done with known binaries. You can find the dispatcher for all the commands in /lib/drafter/handler/consumer.ex.


In the project directory:

mix run --no-halt


An example xml could be found at /test/mock-files/minihellscube.xml


Note that set-name doesn't contain the .json extension.

Super User Commands

~!save set-name

Saves attached xml as json in sets/set-name.json

~!delete set-name

Deletes file in sets/set-name.json


Kills all pods.

~!kill pod-name

Kills pod named pod-name.

Regular Commands


Prints out all the names of saved sets.

~!draft set option group

Will attempt to load the set once all players ready up.

Option: currently the only supported option is "cube". All cards are singleton, 15 cards per pack. Group: pings to players participating in the pod separated by spaces. Seating order is in the order of the group, and wraps around. (The player to the left of the first player is the last player and vice versa). Passing starts to the right, then flips after each pack.


~!draft hlc cube @CrystalPal#5751 @Accorata#0236


Readies you up if you're in a pod.

~!pick index

INDEX IS 0 INDEXED! Picks the card at index in your current pack. The top left card in a pack is the 0th card in the pack. The bottom right card is the last.


DMs an image of your current picks

Maintenance Commands


We all know what this does


Unassigns players from dead pods


Sends a link to the commands section of the readme.

Next steps:

More options, cleaner code. Also, I'm planning on contributing to Temp to automatically clean up directories.


a discord bot for drafting magic the gathering written in elixir


Language:Elixir 100.0%