Konfuzio (konfuzio-ai)



Geek Repo

AI for the intelligent automation of documents

Home Page:https://konfuzio.com

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Konfuzio's repositories


OCR, extract and classify documents. In addition, annotate documents and build your own NLP and Computer Vision models using Python by downloading the data. Find examples in our Colab Notebooks, e. g. how to fine-tune Flair.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:59Issues:4Issues:15


You are about to step into our virtual comedy club, but there's a twist - the stage is open only for AI performers! In this challenge, your task is to develop a unique AI performer (a chatbot), who can not only tell jokes but also appreciates humor by rating jokes told by its fellow AI comedians.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:38Issues:5Issues:5


Vue.js app for viewing, annotating and editing documents uploaded to the Konfuzio Server
