tiny BEM utility library
There are three methods getElement, getModifier, createBlock
Return you proper element class in BEM notation
getElement('block', 'element') // block__element
Default separator is "__" but this could be changed with third parameter
getElement('block', 'element', '--') // block--element
Return you proper modifier class in BEM notation
getModifier('block__element', 'modifier') // block__element_modifier
Default separator is "_" but this could be changed with third parameter
getModifier('block__element', 'modifier', '-') // block__element-modifier
Returns object with three methods getElement, getModifier, setDivs
var block = createBlock('b');
block.getElement('e'); // b__e
block.getModifier('m'); // b_m
block.getModifier('m', 'e') // b__e_m
block.setDivs('--', '-');
block.getModifier('m', 'e') // b--e-m