komamitsu / oraft

Library of Raft consensus algorithm implemented in OCaml

Repository from Github https://github.comkomamitsu/oraftRepository from Github https://github.comkomamitsu/oraft


Library of Raft consensus algorithm implemented in OCaml


Current Status


  • Cluster membership changes
  • Log compaction


  • OCaml 4.14 or later
  • opam
  • dune


$ opam install --deps-only --with-test .
$ dune build


$ opam install .


Unit test

$ dune runtest

Smoke test

This repository has an example Raft application that is a simple KVS as described below. The following command runs 5 KVS servers and a verification tool that sequentially restarts at most 2 servers.

$ smoke_test/run.sh

Chaos test

This repository has an example Raft application that is a simple KVS as described below. The following command runs 5 KVS servers, a verification tool and chaos testing tool in docker containers. The 5 KVS servers will randomly experience pause and network delay.

$ chaos_test/run.sh


Create a config file for each Raft application

    "node_id": 2,
    "nodes": [
        {"id": 1, "host": "localhost", "port": 7891, "app_port": 8181},
        {"id": 2, "host": "localhost", "port": 7892, "app_port": 8182},
        {"id": 3, "host": "localhost", "port": 7893, "app_port": 8183}
    "log_file": "oraft.log",
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "state_dir": "state",
    "election_timeout_millis": 200,
    "heartbeat_interval_millis": 50,
    "request_timeout_millis": 100

node_id needs to be modified for each node.

Write an application using ORaft

The following code is a very simple application that uses ORaft.

let main ~conf_file =
  let oraft =
    Oraft.start ~conf_file ~apply_log:(fun ~node_id ~log_index ~log_data ->
          "[node_id:%d, log_index:%d] %s\n"
          node_id log_index log_data;
        flush stdout
  let rec loop () =
    let%lwt s = Lwt_io.read_line Lwt_io.stdin in
    let%lwt result = oraft.post_command s in
    let%lwt _ = Lwt_io.printl (if result then "OK" else "ERR") in
    loop ()
  Lwt.join [ loop (); oraft.process ] |> Lwt_main.run

let () =
  let open Command.Let_syntax in
  Command.basic ~summary:"Simple example application for ORaft"
      let config =
        flag "config" (required string) ~doc:"CONFIG Config file path"
      fun () -> main ~conf_file:config]
  |> Command_unix.run

See example-simple project for details.


This repo contains example-kv project that is a simple KVS.

Run a cluster on multi processes

You can execute the project like this:

$ ./example-kv/run_all.sh

5 Raft application processes will start.

And then, you can send a request using curl command or something

$ curl -X POST --data-binary 'SET a hello' http://localhost:8181/command
$ curl -X POST --data-binary 'GET a' http://localhost:8182/command
$ curl -X POST --data-binary 'SET b 42' http://localhost:8183/command
$ curl -X POST --data-binary 'GET b' http://localhost:8184/command
$ curl -X POST --data-binary 'INCR b' http://localhost:8185/command
$ curl -X POST --data-binary 'GET b' http://localhost:8181/command


Pre-commit hook

This project uses pre-commit to automate code format and so on as much as possible. Please install pre-commit and the git hook script as follows.

$ ls -a .pre-commit-config.yaml
$ pre-commit install

The code formatter is automatically executed when commiting files. A commit will fail and be formatted by the formatter when any invalid code format is detected. Try to commit the change again.


Library of Raft consensus algorithm implemented in OCaml

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:OCaml 84.2%Language:Ruby 10.3%Language:Shell 5.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%