kolisn / 30Stars

✨30 Projects in 30 Days

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

✨30 Stars

Daily project contributions for 30 days. (Websites, Apps, Utils)!

Each project to ultimately take <24 hours of effort.


  • Explore new technologies
  • Collaborate with others (where possible)
  • Improve system design decisions
  • Continue making beautiful/functional UI/UX (this may be tricky given the 1-day time limit! UIs take time! Maybe on the weekends?)
  • Get better at markdown/mdx writing, because why not
  • Have some fun


Day Project Stars(retro?) Time spent? Tech Comments
Day 1 2022/02/08 🗻Granite SSG: Static Site Generator 0 2hrs Node, ejs, front-matter, marked, md, css, html, js 4kb code size @ Demo
Day 2 2022/02/09 🎀ACSSORI: Lite CSS drop-in styles 0 4.5hrs GULP, CSS, HTML, YML(Github actions) Drop-in CSS Demo
Day 3 2022/02/10 📨empoze: React bundled emails 0 4.5hrs ReactJS, Webpack, Tailwind, CSS, HTML, Babel, Juice, Mailwind
Day 4 2022/02/11 🔊Soundboard: Fun little soundboard for day4 0 0.5hrs JS/CSS/HTML Demo
Day 5 2022/02/24 🖼Gallons: Tiny interactive image gallery landing page for day5 0 1.4hrs JS/CSS/HTML Demo
Day 6 2022/02/26 🍢AlphaBar: Chrome/Edge addon - open tab search/web shortcuts CMD+K command bar 0 7hrs ReactJS, Redux, Ninja-Keys, Webext-Redux Alot of experiementation, checkout retro notes
Day 7 2022/03/14 Dynamic Programming algos 0 4hrs C++ C++ is powerful, alot of languag enuances
Day 8 2022/03/09-->X Persist Spree Tracking Flutter App 0 @10hrs Flutter, Dart The cross platform deployment is top notch. Performance is amazing. Dart has a great ecosystem.
Day 9 2022/02/14 Firebase/Supabase web-app (tbd) 0 Firebase,JS
Day 10 2022/02/15 THREEJS 0 Js,Webgl,Threejs,html
Day 9 2022/02/16 Remote logger, parser, analytics (use an append only decentralized protocol? Hyperlog?) 0 Mongo?Node?
Day 10 2022/02/17 Daemon for folder organizing? 0 Node + FS?
Day 13 2022/02/20 Kafka? 0 Kafka
Day 14 2022/02/21 RabbitMQ/CustomMQ? 0 MQ
Day 15 2022/02/22 MEVN/MERN Stack (SaaS for notifications?) 0
Day 16 2022/02/23 Landing page template 0
Day 17 2022/02/24 Gatsby deploy? 0
Day 18-26 2022/02/25 RTS Engine? 0
Day 27 Custom CD pipeline 0
Day 28 API microservice demo 0
Day 29 Chat autocomplete (Machine Learning) 0
Day 29 Stupid ChatBot (Machine Learning) 0
Day 29x PIncome challenge platform 0
Day 29x Mini keyvalue store database for prototyping 0
Day 29x Carryover todo 0
Day 29x IPFS exlore 0
Day 29x OSS Contribs 0
Day 29x Verilog, veripool, verilator? 0
Day 29x fractal generator - mandelsphere web 0
Day 29x Terraform 0
Day 29x AWS 0
Day 29x Docker/Kubernetes 0
Day 29x Kotlin 0
Day 29x Hugo 0
Day 29x Express 0
Day 29x Server Rendered Templates 0
Day 29x Text expander type app? Caps key? 0
Day 30 2022/03/08 Personal Site (NUXT) 0 Nuxt A simple personal webpage for myself
Day 6 2022/02/12 Unsplash url generator? algos 0 Python?