kokizzu / benakun

Free open source accounting software

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BenAkun Free Accounting Software

free double-entry bookeeping accounting software for Indonesian personal or soho business (UMKM).

How to Contribute

read README.md of https://github.com/kokizzu/street (the structure of this project is the same)


people without prior accounting knowledge should able to use this software, and still conform to government standard.

based on:

Draft Specification



  • SuperAdmin

    • can manage tenants
    • can manage users
    • can manage standard CoA (Chart of Account that all company must have)
    • can create entry-rule template
  • TenantAdmin

    • can edit company
    • change organizational structure
    • can create budgeting
    • can manage account source
    • can manage users
    • can manage accounts
    • can manage journals
    • can manage reports
    • can manage CoA
    • can manage entry-rule
    • can manage bank account
    • can manage external company (customer, supplier, etc)
    • can manage service/product/stock
    • can backup/restore database
    • can send/revoke invitation link to his own company (send email), tenant:X1:invited:YYYYMMDD or tenant:X1:revoked:YYYYMMDD
    • can remove someone from his own company (send email), tenant:X1:terminated:YYYYMMDD
  • ReportViewer

    • can see all reports (see below)
  • EntryUser

    • can input transaction/entry and proof
    • can request for update/delete entry and proof
  • User

    • as new registered user can create a company
    • can change password TODO: UI
    • can join/reject invitation link to a company (send email to inviter), tenant:X1:accepted:YYYYMMDD or tenant:X1:rejected:YYYYMMDD
    • can leave from a company (send email), tenant:X1:left:YYYYMMDD, when accepting invite to new company, the state of old company automatically set to this.
  • Guest

    • can register
    • can forgot/request reset password
    • can reset password
    • can login with username and password
    • can register/login with google account
  • Daemon / Cron

    • can remind invitation link to company
    • can auto-revoke invitation link to company after certain period (eg. 3 days)


  • multi-tenant
  • multiple database connection mapping (one tenant can be using specific database connection)
  • two language (ID, EN)
  • multi-currency (USD, EUR, IDR)
  • multi-user tenant (one tenant can have many users)
  • Reports / Laporan (TODO: find what are the standards and how to use calculate them)
    • Profit and Loss / Laporan Laba Rugi --> priority
    • Balance Sheet / Laporan Posisi / Neraca Keuangan --> priority
    • Cash Flow / Laporan Arus Kas
    • Statement of Changes in Equity / Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas/Modal
    • Notes to Financial Statements / Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan
    • Other Comprehensive Income / Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif Lain
    • Statement of Financial Position / Laporan Posisi Keuangan
    • Statement of Comprehensive Income / Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif
    • Statement of Changes in Equity / Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas
    • Statement of Cash Flows / Laporan Arus Kas
    • Notes to Financial Statements / Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan
    • Other Comprehensive Income / Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif Lain
    • Sales Report / Laporan Penjualan
    • Accounts Receivable Report / Laporan Piutang
      • Customer Receivable Report (TODO: find Indonesian term)
      • Receivable Aging Report / Laporan Umur Piutang
      • Receivable Payment History Report (TODO: find Indonesian term)
    • Accounts Payable Report / Laporan Hutang
      • Voucher Activity Report (TODO: find Indonesian term)
      • Payable Aging Report / Laporan Umur Hutang
      • Payable Payment History Report (TODO: find Indonesian term)
  • generate invoice
  • generate receipt
  • upload proof


  • per tenant table
  • TODO: database design


  • add /tos /privacy


Free open source accounting software


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