kojigardiner / algorithms

C implementations of Algorithms 4th ed by Sedgewick and Wayne and Java solutions to Coursera assignments

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Algorithms & Data Structures

This repository contains the following:

  • C implementations of the algorithms and data structures detailed in the Algorithms 4th ed. textbook by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. The textbook implementations are in Java, and I found re-implementing them in C to help with my understanding.
  • Test clients inspired by the textbook for some of the algorithms. Run make in each algorithm directory to build the test client(s).
  • Unit test suites for each of the algorithms and data structures. These are written in the Unity Test framework. To run the tests, simply call make from the tests directory.
  • My solutions to the Java programming assignments from the Coursera series based on the textbook (Part I, Part II).


Most implementations below support storage of generic object types, including C primitives, C-strings, or structs. Custom structs require the client to implement comparator functions for some data structures.

For several of the data structures (e.g. symbol tables), multiple underlying implementation are available to be selected.

Basic Data Structures

Data Structure Description Primary Operations Underlying Implementation(s)
Bag Unordered collection Add Linked list
Stack LIFO collection Push, Pop Linked list
Queue FIFO collection Enqueue, Dequeue Linked list
Priority Queue Min- and Max-oriented sorted queue Insert, Front, Delete Min/Max Binary heap


Type Description Primary Operations Underlying Implementation(s)
Generic Sort Sort array of items Sort Selectionsort, Insertionsort, Shellsort, Top-down mergesort, Bottom-up mergesort, Quicksort, Heapsort
String Sort Sort array of strings Sort Least-significant-digit (MSD) first, Most-significant-digit (MSD) first, Three-way quicksort/radixsort

Symbol Tables (Maps)

Type Description Primary Operations Underlying Implementation(s)
Generic Symbol Table Key-value lookup Put, Get, Contains Linked list, Binary search tree, Red-black binary search tree, Hash table (separate chaining), Hash table (linear probing)
String Symbol Table String lookup Put, Get, Contains, Longest Prefix, Keys with Prefix, Keys that Match R-way trie


Data Structure Description Primary Operations Underlying Implementation(s)
Graph / Weighted Graph Set of vertices contained by directed or undirected edges Add Edge, Iterate over Adjacent Edges Array of adjacency lists (bags)
Paths Find paths in a graph from source vertex to all reachable vertices Has Path To, Iterate over Vertices Depth-first search, Breadth-first search
Shortest Paths Find paths of lowest weight in a weighted graph from source vertex to all reachable vertices Has Path To, Distance To, Iterate over Vertices Dijkstra's algorithm
Minimum Spanning Tree Find tree of minimum weight in weighted graph that spans all vertices Iterate over Edges Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm
Topological Sort Compute precedence order for directed graph Iterate over Vertices Depth-first search with reverse post-order via stack
Cycle Determine if a graph has a cycle Has Cycle, Iterate over Vertices Depth-first search
Connected Components Find connected components for an undirected graph and strongly connected components for a directed graph Count, ID for Vertex, Are Vertices Connected Depth-first search for undirected, Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm for directed
Flow Network Find max flow through a network where edges support a max flow capacity Maxflow, Incut Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, Breadth-first search

String Search

Type Description Primary Operations Underlying Implementation(s)
Substring Search Find first occurrence of specific string in text Search Brute-force, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer-Moore, Rabin-Karp
Regular Expression Search Find first occurrence of pattern (including metacharacters) in text Recognizes Non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) as a graph

Data Compression

Data Structure Description Primary Operations Underlying Implementation(s)
Bit I/O Interface for reading/writing files with bit-level granularity Read/Write Bit, Bits, Byte, Int Wrapper for fread/fwrite
Zip Interface for compressing and expanding arbitrary files Compress, Expand Run-Length Encoding, Huffman Compression, LZW Compression


Data Structure Description Primary Operations Underlying Implementation(s)
Union Find Solve the dynamic connectivity problem Union, Connected Quick-find, Quick-union with path compression
Binary Search Find index of a integer in a sorted array of integers Index Of Binary search


C implementations of Algorithms 4th ed by Sedgewick and Wayne and Java solutions to Coursera assignments


Language:C 66.1%Language:Java 32.0%Language:Makefile 2.0%