kofny / easypwd

Compare plaintext passwords with specified targets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Some password utils.

Code implemented in Python will use only builtin packages if possible. lines.py etc. have to import matplotlib.


  • compare plaintext passwords line by line: plainpwdcmp
  • get training set and testing set from a corpus: split2.py
  • sample some passwords from a corpus: samp.py
  • draw guess-crack figure: j4rank.py & lines.py
  • remove unwanted passwords: cleaning.py
  • get min_auto of a password dataset: minrank.py
  • remove passwords in training set and testing set: havemenot.py
  • remove unwanted passwords from result set: re2cracked.py
  • convert format of output from hashcat: hashkitty.py
  • convert format of output from LSTM: lstm.py
  • convert format of output from Monte Carlo 15 paper: mc15conv.py
  • count frequencies of passwords, characters, or segments split by splitter: freq.py
  • fitting PDF-Zipf model: PDFZipf.py
  • identifying leet patterns: leet.py
  • identifying keyboard patterns: kbd.py
  • calculating unsafe errors: unsaferrors.py
  • comparing the change of ranks between guessing methods: rankcmp.py
  • count the proportion of given entries in a dictionary with frequencies: entry.py

1. plainpwdcmp

Compare plaintext passwords with specified targets


  • -i: guesses file, one password per line, or (password, probability) per line
  • -t: passwords to be cracked in plaintext, one password per line
  • -o: results will be saved in this file
  • -p: guesses file in format of (password, probability), bool
  • -s: splitter in results file, "\t" by default
  • -d: delim in guesses file, "\t" by default


outputs are organized as follows:

pwd | prob(optional) | appearance | guess_number | cracked_num | cracked_ratio

2. split2.py

Split dataset into training set and testing set.


  • -c: corpus to be parsed
  • -s: training set path to be saved
  • -t: testing set path to be saved
  • -a: training set takes a / (a + b) percent
  • -b: testing set takes b / (a + b) percent
  • -l: passwords whose length being less than this will be ignored
  • -u: passwords whose length being greater than this will be ignored.


Removed invalid passwords (unprintable ASCII, too short length, etc.) will be saved if any.

3. gutify.py


The usage of gutify is to some extent a long story.


  • -f: Guess number and cracked number stored here
  • -s: Save results here
  • -t: Testing set will be used to obtain its size

Optional for -f

  • --gc-split: How to split items of a line in guess number and cracked number file
  • --idx-guess: guess number is at idx-guess, start from 0
  • --idx-pwd: password is at idx-pwd, start from 0
  • --need-sort: need to sort the data in the file

Optional for line style

  • --upper: Max guess number
  • --lower: Min guess number
  • --color: Color of the line
  • --line-style: solid, dash, dot, or dot_dash
  • --marker: the marker on the line
  • --line-width: the width of the line

Optional for showing text at rightmost as a label

  • --show-text: show text or not
  • --text-x: x axis position
  • --text-y: y axis position
  • --text-fontsize: fontsize

Option for updating arguments

  • --force-update: re-read the files. if not specify this flag, read data from -s and ignore --lower, --upper


A json file contains following items:

  • label
  • total number of passwords in test set, to calc the crack ratio
  • color of this curve
  • marker of points of curve
  • line_width _ line_style, solid or other
  • guesses_list _ cracked_list

4. lines.py



  • -f: json files generated by gutify.py
  • -s: save the picture here, should be a path can be accessed Optional for saved file
  • --suffix: can be .pdf or .png

Optional for label

  • -x: what does x axis mean
  • -y: what does y axis mean
  • --xlabel-weight: normal, bold
  • --ylabel-weight: normal, bold
  • --xlabel-size: font size of x label
  • --ylabel-size: font size of y label

Optional for axis

  • --xlim-low: x value less than this will not be displayed
  • --xlim-high: x value larger than this will not be displayed
  • --ylim-low: y value less than this will not be displayed
  • --ylim-high: y value larger than this will not be displayed
  • --xticks-val: ticks for x axis
  • --xticks-text: text for x axis, may use $10^{2}$ to represent 100
  • --yticks-val: ticks for y axis
  • --yticks-val: text for y axis
  • --tick-size: font size of ticks

Optional for legend

  • --legend-loc: where you put the legend
  • --legend-fontsize: font size of legend
  • --legend-handle-length: length of legend handle, i.e., figure corresponding to text in legend

Optional for figure

  • --xscale: linear, log, symlog, logit
  • --yscale: same with xscale
  • --tight: tight layout of figure

Optional for vlines

  • --vlines: x value for vlines
  • --vline-width: line width for vlines
  • --vline-color: colors for vlines
  • --vline-style: solid, dash, dot, dot_dash for vlines
  • --vline-label: labels for vlines. set it to empty if you dont need

Optional for grid

  • --hide-grid: hide grid
  • --grid-linestyle: {solid,dash,dot_dash,dot}
  • --no-boarder [{left,bottom,top,right} ]

This is a relatively easy utils to draw curves.

If you want some additional functions, rewrite it.


A picture

5. cleaning.py

filter valid passwords from a dataset.


  • -d: a dataset, one password per line
  • -o: output, save filtered passwords here
  • -p: RegEx to filter valid passwords


Filtered passwords, a password per line.

6. minrank.py

Min_auto from existing guess-number-and-cracked-number results.


  • -t: testing set
  • -m: scored results for the testing set
  • -s: save Min_auto here
  • --split: how to split a line in scored results



7. hashkitty.py

Convert pwd:guess number file generated by hashcat debug mode to my format.


  • -r: hashcat result file, format plainpwd:crack_pos
  • -t: testing set for hashcat result
  • -s: save converted result here


hashcat result in my format

8. freq.py

Count frequencies of password dataset.


  • -f: password file
  • -s: save frequencies
  • --splitter: whole for passwords, chr for characters, splitter for segments
  • --start: the index of the first element
  • --step: index of the next element = current index + step
  • --sample: sample n passwords to count frequenices
  • --end: \n or \r\n, specify the end of a line in saved file

9. PDFZipf.py

Fitting PDF-Zipf model.


  • positional: the first argument represents the frequency list file
  • -f: the minimal frequency used to fit PDF-Zipf model


Compare plaintext passwords with specified targets


Language:C++ 77.8%Language:Python 22.2%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:CMake 0.0%