koalba / Lemonade-Copycat

Copycat of lemonade.com/api, made with HTML, SCSS and JQuery

Repository from Github https://github.comkoalba/Lemonade-CopycatRepository from Github https://github.comkoalba/Lemonade-Copycat

Lemonade Copycat

This is a copycat of Lemonade API page made for practice.

Table of contents


The challenge

When I saw the Lemonade's API page I really loved it! I was searching for a dark pallete website to recreate (to change a bit), and I really felt this one was THE ONE. It was a beautiful page with great illustrations, and that gave me the opportunity to also practice different types of animations, from intinite to on scroll ones.

Lemonade API


My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Jquery
  • Desktop-first workflow
  • BEM Naming Convention
  • SASS

What I learned

At first I though it was gonna be an easy page to repicate but... as always, it had more to it than I first thought! I was a different way of responsive than what I'm used to so it was a really nice challenge! Also, the animations had a lot more to it too, they were made with a lot of different elements and different times, delays, etc... I think I've learnt a lot from this copycat, and it's a great addition to my portfolio!

Continued development

I would love to get more confortable and get better with animations in general, it's still a ot of work and confusion for me! But I'll slowly but surely get to a point where I get better at it!



Copycat of lemonade.com/api, made with HTML, SCSS and JQuery


Language:HTML 41.5%Language:SCSS 28.7%Language:CSS 28.2%Language:JavaScript 1.6%