knopki / metis-gui

Modular standalone fat-client GUI for X-ray diffraction data simulations, analysis, and sharing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Metis data management GUI

This is the first part of the whole Metis infra: GUIBFFbackend.

A Svelte GUI for the Metis materials data servers, highly modular, permissively licensed, minimalistically designed, based on the open Svelte-Spectre user interface kit. Supports various materials data formats, real-time cloud simulations, real-time collaborations, Optimade structure searches, content organizing and sharing, and many more. Displays the server events instantly as they occur, thanks to the SSE server push technology. The users are recognized via the third-party OAuth services, such as Microsoft, LinkedIn, GitHub, ORCID, MPDS, etc.

On-demand cloud simulations Digesting the experiments data
Retrieving the data from various sources Exporting & sharing the data across your lab


git clone
cd metis-gui
npm install


Development build

npm run dev

Production build

npm run build

Docker Image

The production build is packaged into the nginx container. Inherits all of the parent image's configuration capabilities. Additional configuration options:

  • HOST - sets served hosts (default: _ - catch all)
  • PORT - listen port
  • FORCE_HTTPS - redirects to https if set to 1
  • REAL_IP_HEADER, SET_REAL_IP_FROM1, ..., SET_REAL_IP_FROM5 - options for real ip module
  • PROXY_BFF_API_URL - proxy /api to metis-bff if set
  • RUNTIME_CONFIG - optional javascript object with runtime config, see src/config.ts

docker compose

Example compose.yml:

version: "3.9"
      context: .
      PORT: "8080"
      FORCE_HTTPS: "0"
      PROXY_BFF_API_URL: "http://metis-bff:3000"
          'API_HOST': location.origin.concat('/api'),
          'IDPS': ['local'],
      - "9080:8080"

App buildtime config


App runtime config


Sources file layout

assets - static files etc.

components - low-level modules

helpers - auxiliary utils

layouts - CSS framework modules

pages - concrete content sections

services - API consumption

stores - where the data flow comes from

types - TS definitions

views - high-level (smarter) modules, cf. components


Copyright 2021-2023 BASF SE

BSD 3-Clause


Modular standalone fat-client GUI for X-ray diffraction data simulations, analysis, and sharing

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Svelte 55.8%Language:TypeScript 32.1%Language:JavaScript 7.0%Language:SCSS 3.1%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:Shell 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%