knee-koh / UARTtoTTL

PCB to convert UART signals to TTL with level shifting in order to communicate with Dynamixel motors.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

UARTtoTTL Adapter Board

PCB to convert UART signals to TTL with level shifting in order to communicate with Dynamixel motors. Confirmed to work with MarIOnette as of version 1.0.4.


  1. Downlaod the .zip file from the V1 folder, and upload it directly to a PCB printing service. Install the ICs, Level Shifter, and Dynamixel connectors according to the markings on the silk screen.
  2. Attach the Dynamixel Voltage to VCC and GND pins
  3. Attach 5V and 3V from your microcontroller (a Teensy was used for testing with the Dynamixel2Arduino library) to control the logic levels
  4. Attach the TX, RX, and DIR pins according to how your code is configured




PCB to convert UART signals to TTL with level shifting in order to communicate with Dynamixel motors.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0