kncaputo / intention-timer

Group Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Intention-Timer - group project

Mod 1

Deployed Site Iteration Timer is a website that allows users to choose an activity category, specifiy an objective to achieve, and the desired time to accomplish said objective. Users can save and view the record of past activities in the past activity column.


Set Up

  • Fork the repo and clone down into the terminal.
  • Open in the text editor.
  • Read the README.
  • In the terminal, run command "open index.html" to interact with the app.

Iteration 0 - Comp setup

Objective - When the page loads, we should see a page titled Intention Timer with input fields to be filled out by the user. When the user completes the form and each field has been filled out appropriately (this can be ensured by the lack of error messages) the user should be taken to a new page when "Start activity" is clicked. The buttons displayed on the main page are:

  • Study
  • Meditate
  • Exercise
  • Start Activity

Iteration 1 - Activity Class


  1. Create an activity class with properties and methods.

Iteration 2 - Form Functionality


  1. Build active button state
  2. Create functionality for input fields
  3. Create functionality for start button
  4. When start is selected new instantiation of activity class is made

Iteration 3 - Build an MVP


  1. User can start the timer by selecting start
  2. The user can see the timer counting down by seconds
  3. When the timer completes an alert with appear

Iteration 4 - logging past activity


  1. When the timer completes the alert no longer appears
  2. When the alert dissapears a congratulatory message appears
  3. When the user clicks 'log activity' the information is displayed in a card
  4. Cards are displayed in past activity section

Iteration 5


  1. When page is refreshed the past activity cards are still displayed


Group Project


Language:JavaScript 45.9%Language:CSS 28.6%Language:HTML 25.5%