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My community resume as of 2015

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Community Resume for Eugene Mutai

Name: Eugene Kiplagat Mutai

Google Plus



Country: Kenya

Reason for applying

I am forever passionate about programming, specifically on web technologies. One main reason that fuels this passion has forever changed my life since the day I chose this path and I want to share what passion does to you, how far it takes you, in viewing and tackling issues, seeing barriers as an advantage to learning new ways of forever overcoming lesser, greater or equal like barriers.

Am also passionate about the community by understanding that one man alone can not create the future we seek. That unity is strength and divided we fall. That together we have the power to shape the technological future, for ourselves and the next of generations, and that this is a radial impact to us, and everyone around us. I also feel great mentoring/shaping the community, encouraging others to join, the journey, and helping them so that what I do trickles down from them to others and so forth.

Relationship with Google

Yes, with GDG leads and school ambassadors. The relationship is still young and in progress. Why I want to do this is to mentor, foster the growth of web technologies and help in demystifying it for all who love and are the enthusiast with web technologies yet have little or no exposure to its development or existence over the decades it has been around. One reason for them being on the blind side is that the school's syllabus is old and broken, if I might say so, with nothing about web technologies or advancements.

Activity Details

PrittyNote [Social application, HTML5]

Created/Updated: April/September 13, 2014

Link: PrittyNote(Play Store)

PrittyNote makes digital images that would be the average size of a sticky note in real life and way much more cool. At PrittyNote we call the images “prittynote(s)”. Perceive real sticky notes that you've written a joke, advice, quote, lovely message, or anything and left somewhere a friend, relative, family or people can see. With prittynote you can share to any social platform e.g. Whatsapp, facebook, twitter, tumblr, instagram etc.

Revived Nairobi JavaScript Community

Date: Feb 12th 2015

The Nairobi JavaScript Community had been created, last year and had died down towards the end of the same year.

It is now the most active community in the city if not in Kenya, and growing by the day. Other milestones achieved for the JavaScript Community are:

Creation of a Whatsapp Group

Currently at 94 (at the time of writting) members (threshold is 100 for whatsapp groups)

Meetup Group page & mailing list


Currently at 210 (at the time of writting) which would serve great in sharing updates to the community at large and also keep them updated on details and date of the next schedules meetups

Refurbishing of Nairobi JS Community Site


Start to Grunt boilerplate

Created on: March 22nd, 2015


Stars: 12

Created HTML5 starter kit for creating HTML5 application and user interfaces, with GruntJS integration for fast, clean and optimized app creation. Would serve the developer community to be able to come up to par with GruntJS intergration with their projects.

JavaScript is Back

Held on: March 21, 2015

Meetup Link:

Attendance: 30 Community Members

This was the 1st meetup this year, signifying the revival of the group. Members showed up and were to state what they would expect along the year in our meetups. They also stated their issues and restaints and also how we could come together to solve common issues and restaints among the members as the year grows old.

Web Application Development Workflow [GDG Meetup]

Held on: 4th April, 2015

Attendance: 25+

Here is the link to Powerpoint File

This was a joint GDG Meetup and JavaScript Community to introduce guys into tools and concepts of JavaScript that one needs to know about to be a master Front End developer. Iterating faster, tackle bugs fast through tools, and improved automated testing are great ideas. Some of these tools would also go ahead and influence their skills as backend developers.

This entailed:

  • Love your command line/shell
  • Sublime Text IDE tips and tricks (installation and usage of plugins)
  • Git & Github, version control
  • Task Automation
  • Live reloading
  • CSS & JS Linting
  • Introduction Node.js & NPM
  • Introduction to bower
  • Introduction to:
    • Precompiler
    • Transpilers
    • Packaging/Build tools
  • Static Deployers
  • Where to get started with JavaScript

JavaScript, Warthogs and Friends, Ruby Conf KE

Held on: 8th May 2015

Attendance: 80+

Links to slide:

Gave a talk on the progress that JavaScript has made over the years since I began developing (on 2012).

This entailed:

  • The introduction to JavaScript
  • The current broad uses of JavaScript
  • How the web works
  • Demistifying HTTP
  • Demistifying AJAX
  • How Ruby can work with JavaScript
  • The Age of Tools:
    • Preprocessors and precompilers
    • Transpilers (ES6)
    • Task Automations
    • Package Management
    • Scaffolding
    • Versioning
    • Templating Systems

Shaping up with AngularJS

Held on: May 2, 2015

Meetup Link:

Attendance: 33

This was a workshop to help guys to learn how to build AngularJS powered applications by building your 1st AngularJS app also learning the fundermentals of Angular. AngularJS has a fair share of deep concepts; taking some time to understand them can get you back on track.

Created Nairobi JavaScript Community Slack Group

Date Created: 3rd July, 2015


Due to the whatsapp group limitation to 100 members we further decided a Slack group would serve as well as wanted all members to be able to share, communicate and fun together without the 100 members limitation imposed on whatsapp groups.

This way could also seperate discussions into topics of interest. This would seperate noise from the important information that is shared where members desired to retain them. 72 members joined up within the 1st week. Currently at 106 members at the time of writting this.

To make life easier for new members to join, I went ahead to automate the process using slackin. Also shows how many users are online.

Our link:

Trippa [Speed Typing Test]

Created: June 12th, 2015

Link: Trippa Github Repo

The application:

Created an Trippa, which is a speed test typing application that can be used by anyone other than the community to test and also practise to type fast.

Start to Gulp boilerplate

Created and shared on: Jul 24, 2015


A GulpJS alternative to the GruntJS Boilerplate I had created for those who would prefer Gulp rather than GruntJS which was percieved a bit harder

Frodo [Go Web Framework]

Started: 6th July, 2015

Link: Frodo Github Repo

Stars: 7

Documentation: Frodo Godoc

Frodo is a Go mini web framework inspired by the sweet/beautiful parts that make up Laravel(php), Slim(php) and ExpressJS(node.js), that are all generally inspired by Sinatra. I am inspiring the current community to adapt Go as their daily go-to programming language as I am doing so, and also inviting them to join and contribute what might be the 1st Open Source Go web app framework built in Africa.

Nairobi JavaScript Barcamp

Held on: 1st Aug, 2015

Meetup Link:

Attendance: 38

This is/was the meetup to get feedback, ideas, raise issues and complaints, and be solved as they are raised. This meetup would then depict the future of the community not only in our meetups but with ideas contributed by the community being implemented.

A few of example of what to expect from the community as decided within the meetup:

  • nairobi javascript weekly podcast
  • github site to intergrate jekyll for blogging
  • personalised emails from domain name for the community
  • javascript/web technology outreach program to universities and colleges
  • a focus on specific web technologies such as angularjs, phonegap on their different platform impacts
  • our 1st community contributed/built tools (open source)
  • come up with weekly javascript challenges
  • out own hacker news from (for workshop request and opinionated voting)

Note: Looking forward to working more with Google Developer Group to demistify front-end development, tools or craftmanship as a whole...


My community resume as of 2015