kn0w0ne / awesome-cli

A curated list of awesome resources for building immersive CLI experiences.

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A curated list of things related with Command Line Interfaces (CLI).



  • chalk – Terminal string styling done right.
  • chalk-animation – Colorful animations in terminal output.
  • gradient-string – Beautiful color gradients in terminal output.
  • boxen – Create boxes in the terminal.
  • sparkly – Generate sparklines.


  • qoa – Minimal interactive command-line prompts.
  • prompts – Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts.
  • ansi-diff-stream – A diff friendly cli input module.
  • email-prompt – CLI email prompt featuring autocompletion and validation.


  • prettycli – Pretty print messages on the terminal.
  • fmt-obj – Stringifies any javascript object in your console for CLI inspection.
  • beauty-error – Getting a beauty error. Oriented for well printed errors.
  • terminal-link – Create clickable links in the terminal.
  • jsome – Pretty format JSON on terminal.
  • term-img – Display images in iTerm.
  • neat-log – Logger for stateful Command Line Applications.


  • ink – React for interactive command-line apps.


  • meow – CLI app helper.
  • update-notifier – Update notifications for your CLI app.
  • signal-exit – When you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits.
  • clipboardy – Access the system clipboard (copy/paste).
  • indent-string – Indent each line in a string.

Lovely Commands

  • bat - A cat(1) clone with wings.
  • clipboard – Access the system clipboard (copy/paste).
  • diff-so-fancy – Good-lookin' diffs with diff-highlight and more.
  • entrp – Run arbitrary commands when files change (alternative).
  • exa – A modern replacement for ls.
  • fd – A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
  • fx – Command-line JSON processing tool.
  • gnomon – Perfect for analyze quickly logs
  • htop – htop is an interactive top.
  • httpstatcurl statistics made simple
  • hub – hub helps you win at git.
  • hyperfine – A command-line benchmarking tool.
  • jq – Command-line JSON processor. 1
  • mdcatcat for markdown.
  • ncdu – Interactive disk usage.
  • peco – Simplistic interactive filtering tool.
  • pv – Monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline.
  • share – Quickly share files from your command line.
  • spot – Tiny search utility.
  • z – The definity directory jumper.



A curated list of awesome resources for building immersive CLI experiences.