kmribti / ext.ExportableGrid

Wrapper over ExtJs's grid to make grid exportable.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Wrapper over ExtJs's grid to make grid exportable to xlsx format. Supports ExtJs 5 and ExtJs 6. Example can be found on sencha's fiddle. Supports composite headers, summary feature and grouping feature.


This component uses two opensource libraries(FileSaver and jszip), so they should be imported to the project.

ExportableGrid's specific properties

  • xlsTitle - name of exported file + will be shown in excel as a table header if xlsShowHeader is set to true.
  • xlsHeaderColor - backgound color of the headers. RGB without leading #.
  • xlsGroupHeaderColor - backgound color of the grouping headers. RGB without leading #.
  • xlsSummaryColor - backgound color of the summary section. RGB without leading #.
  • xlsShowHeader - just a marker, whether a first row title should be generated.

Additional parameters for columns

  • exportable - true/false - defines whether this column should be exported.
  • exportConverter - function that shoud be applyed to value on export. Returns modified value. If exportConverter is specified, then renderer will be skiped and exportConverter function will be used on export.
  • skipRenderer - true/false - set to true to skip using renderer on export for this column.
  • exportNumberFormat - <#,##.00> - valid excel's number format.


Wrapper over ExtJs's grid to make grid exportable.

License:MIT License