kmorcinek / dotnet-tools-settings

Setting for common tools that I use in my C# projects (like R# and StyleCop)

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Setting for common tools that I used in my C# projects (like R#)

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StyleCop (StyleCop Analyzers)

My StyleCopDefault.ruleset set of rules I apply for project I am working with.

Place for searching for rule names and examples: StyleCopAnalyzers documentation

Rules I switch off and why:

  • SA1003 SymbolsMustBeSpacedCorrectly & SA1009 ClosingParenthesisMustBeSpacedCorrectly - conflicts with other (i.e default cleanup in VS+R#/Rider)
  • SA1101 - PrefixLocalCallsWithThis (remove obviousness)
  • SA1111 - ClosingParenthesisMustBeOnLineOfLastParameter (rather temporary, but in some cases improves viewing history in source control)
  • SA1122 - UseStringEmptyForEmptyStrings (rather temporary)
  • SA1200 - UsingDirectivesMustBePlacedCorrectly (most of C# world place using outside namespace, so I don't want to fight agains it)
  • SA1201 - ElementsMustAppearInTheCorrectOrder (up to a team, hard to maintain always this "Order")
  • SA1202 - ElementsMustBeOrderedByAccess, similar to SA1204 (assume couple of public methods in class, I want to have private methods used by a public method just below this public method, not below all other public methods)
  • SA1204 - StaticElementsMustAppearBeforeInstanceElements, similar to SA1202 (Order of methods depends on which method is used by which method, and having private static method in the middle of class is fine)
  • SA1300 - ElementMustBeginWithUpperCaseLetter
  • SA1309 - FieldNamesMustNotBeginWithUnderscore (private fields should begin with underscore)
  • SA1310 - FieldNamesMustNotContainUnderscore (underscore are used in tests)
  • SA1313 - ParameterNamesMustBeginWithLowerCaseLetter (in UT when using AutoFixture, some test method arguments can be "_", and it is indicator that value is not important)
  • SA1400 - AccessModifierMustBeDeclared (I prefer to not put "private" before private methods)
  • SA1407 - ArithmeticExpressionsMustDeclarePrecedence (up to code review to make it readable, on the other hand when applying this rule R# is suggesting "remove redundant parentheses")
  • SA1516 - ElementsMustBeSeparatedByBlankLine (it forces to place empty lines between each property definition)
  • SA1611 - ElementParametersMustBeDocumented (no required documentation)
  • SA1615 - ElementReturnValueMustBeDocumented (no required documentation)

Rules I need to investigate more: SA1614

All rules that are not excluded here I would use for green field project and I would be changing to meet these rules in brown field project. But in brownfield sometimes allow to disable more rules "temporary", because obviously some of them require some time on fixing them.

What is by default Enabled or Disabled: StyleCopAnalyzers Status


Setting for common tools that I use in my C# projects (like R# and StyleCop)