kmooney / django-hyperadmin

Django Admin powered by RESTful Hypermedia APIs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


django-hyperadmin is an Admin interface for resources in Django that are powered by Hypermedia REST APIs.

This is ALPHA


  • ModelResource works like AdminModel
  • StorageResource for RESTful media uploads
  • Supported Media Formats:
  • application/vnd.Collection+JSON
  • application/
  • application/text-html - for browsing
  • Architecture allows for more media formats
  • Internal resource representation based on hfactor and forms


Put 'hyperadmin' into your INSTALLED_APPS section of your settings file.

And the following to

import hyperadmin
hyperadmin.autodiscover() #TODO this does nothing #ports admin models to hyperadmin #enables the storage resource for media and static

Add to root url patterns:

url(r'^hyper-admin/', include(,

Builtin Resources


API Endpoints

  • "/" lists resources known in the system. Additionally provides an html fallback to load up the ember.js interface.
  • "/_authentication/" ; PUT/POST to authenticate, DELETE to logout, GET for useful info and login forms. Uses django sessions by default.


API Endpoints

  • "/<appname>/" lists resources belonging to the app
  • "/<appname>/<module>/" mount point of crud resource


API Endpoints

  • "/storages/media/" lists directories and files
  • "/storages/media/?path=<path>" lists directories and files belonging to a certain path
  • "/storages/media/<path>/" endpoint for updating a particular file
  • "/storages/static/"
  • "/storages/static/<path>/"

Registering models

Registering a model with hyperadmin:

import hyperadmin
from hyperadmin.resources imoprt ModelResource, InlineModelResource
from myapp.models import MyModel, ChildModel

class ChildModelResource(InlineModelResource):
    model = ChildModel

class MyModelResource(ModelResource):
    inlines = [ChildModelResource], MyModelResource)

Each resource has it's own url patterns and links the urls through hypermedia links. There will be a going back and forth between the frontend needs and defining extra metadata in an extended version of the collections media type. Hyperadmin facilitates this by allowing for custom mediatypes to be defined. The ember.js client should treat each view as uniformally as possible as all the contextual data should be contained in the API.

TODO: Admin Actions

Admin actions are functions that return a link object. If the action is a string then it is assumed to be the function of the resource. The string is mapped as a url and a link object is automatically generated for it. The ActionResourceView returns a response with the main form being the link object and the post going to the function of the admin.


  • inlines
  • fieldsets
  • display hints?
  • custom controls; some fields may need to specify custom front-end logic so there needs to be away to register new controls in the frontend

Inlines: Make it a sub resource. Inline information & templates are slurped in at the top resource but adding another inline would be an ajax call. May add new field type "schema" which nests in a subtemplate.

Link/Form display hints: * field inline, display result inlined with a field * module inline, display towards the bottom of the page, group the resources * page inline, new page but indicate that it is one nested in

Idea: transactional resource creation (documents only).


  • changelist
  • list display
  • search
  • date hierarchy
  • form manipulations
  • readonly
  • markup
  • logging
  • permissions
  • admin actions

TODO: Backporting

Converting admin models from within:

from hyperadmin import TransitionalAdminModel
from django.contrib import admin
from myapp.models import MyModel, TransitionalAdminModel)

This admin model would be built ontop the standard admin model but would inject extra context to load up the ember.js interface. Additionally it registers the model with the hyperadmin. ~ 2 days to integrate

TODO: Client

resource <=> hfactor <=> media type <=> |browser| <=> media type layer <=> template engine / js form handler / css

Hypermedia APIs


Django Admin powered by RESTful Hypermedia APIs


Language:JavaScript 88.0%Language:Python 12.0%