kmjones1979 / docker-nginx-plus-splunkd

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NGINX Plus Docker with Splunkforwarder

In this Dockerfile we are running NGINX Plus and Splunkforwarder, the services are started by Supervisor.


Clone the repository

git clone

Define the Splunk server where you will be forwarding logs.

  • opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/SplunkUniversalForwarder/local/outputs.conf
defaultGroup = docker_splunk

server =


Define log forwarder configuration for both error and access logs.

  • opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/SplunkUniversalForwarder/local/inputs.conf
sourcetype = nginx_error

sourcetype = nginx_access

Copy NGINX Plus key and certificate to etc/ssl/nginx/

In order to install NGINX Plus you need to copy the nginx repo certificate and key inside the container. We will clean this up later for security reasons.

$ ls -l etc/ssl/nginx
-rw-r-----@ 1 root    staff  1334 Nov 25 14:07 nginx-repo.crt
-rw-r-----@ 1 root    staff  1704 Nov 25 14:07 nginx-repo.key

Supervisor configuration

You should not need to edit the supervisord.conf however here is the proper format for reference. This will start both the splunkforwarder along with NGINX Plus


command=/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk start --accept-license --nodaemon --no-prompt --answer-yes

command=/usr/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;"


docker build --no-cache -t nginx-plus-splunkd .


docker run -i -t --name nginx-plus-splunkd -P -d nginx-plus-splunkd

JSON format NGINX access logs

Included in etc/nginx/conf.d/ is a configuration file that has format for NGINX logs in a JSON structure. This can be specified using the log_format json as shown below.

The configuration file under etc/nginx/conf.d/json_log.conf will be included in the main configuration using the include directive.

Then the JSON format for access_log can be used with the following syntax.

access_log    /var/log/nginx/json.log json;

You would then also need to add an input to the json log in inputs.conf.

sourcetype = nginx_error

Sending data directly to syslog

NGINX also supports sending log data directly to syslog. On your Splunk server you can configure UDP data inputs and configure NGINX to transport logs to the port of your choice as show below.

access_log    syslog:server=,tag=nginx_access main;



Language:Nginx 100.0%