kmcginn / Tower-Defense

A tower defense game for ND++ (University of Notre Dame CSE 20212 Spring 2012)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A Game for ND++
Chris Groce, Kevin McGinn, Nick Taylor


Linux (tested in Ubuntu 11.10)
Windows 7 or later WITH QtCreator installed
Qt 4.7.4 or later


Using the provided executable:

Download the Tower-Defense executable from the GitHub repository's download 
Run the executable and enjoy!

Compiling from source code in Linux:

Place all files in a folder called 'Tower-Defense'.

Run the following commands:

qmake-qt4 -project      || creates project files
qmake-qt4               || generates Makefile
make                    || generate executable

NOTE: The compiler will issue a few warnings, but the issues are negligible
and do not affect performance.

The game can now be played by running the executable named 'Tower-Defense'.

Running in Windows:

At this time, the team is unable to provide an executable for use in Windows.
The program can be built in QtCreator, and run from there.

Welcome to Tower Defense! The objective of the game is simple: defend your base (a 
bright green square on the map) from incoming waves of enemies. Every time an enemy 
reaches your base, you lose a life. When you run out of lives, the game is over.

Your only defense against the onslaught of enemies is an arsenal of Towers. There are
three tower types: Basic, Quick, and Fire.

The BASIC tower is well balanced; it has decent firing rate, range, and power. It is

The QUICK tower is focused on rapid attacks on fast enemies; it has very good firing
rate, decent range, but poor power. It uses a special type of ammunition that is very
effective against fast-moving enemies, but stronger enemies are more resistant to it. 
It is BLUE.

The FIRE tower is built to deal damage; it has a poor firing rate, poor range, but
very good power. Its ammunition is very effective against slower moving enemies, but
fast enemies are able to avoid most of its damage. It is RED.

Each wave contains a few different types of Enemies. There are three enemy types: 
Puny, Speedy, and Heavy.

The PUNY enemy is your standard enemy. It has decent speed and health, and all 
ammunition types are equally effective against it. They are WHITE.

The SPEEDY enemy has trained extra hard to zip past your defense. It has very good 
speed, but poor health. Shots from the Quick tower do extra damage, shots from the 
Basic tower do normal damage, and shots from the Fire tower do minimal damage. They 
are BLUE.

The HEAVY enemy type is a heavily-armored beast that will slowly, but surely, make 
his way toward your base to devour you. It has a poor speed, but very good health. 
Shots from the Quick tower do minimal damage, shots from the Basic tower do normal 
damage, and shots from the Fire tower do extra damage. They are RED.

Before a wave begins, you can use the money in your wallet to purchase different 
types of towers, and upgrade towers you have placed. Each tower costs $100. Upgrades 
start at $50, but the cost increases as each tower becomes stronger.

Click a Tower Construction button to enter Construction mode. The Tower type you 
selected will remain highlighted. Clicking on the board will place a Tower in the 
cell that has been selected. Towers can ONLY be placed on Grass tiles; they cannot 
be placed on the Path tiles that the Enemies travel on, or on Rocky tiles. Click the 
Tower Construction button again to exit Construction mode.

Clicking on a Tower that has been placed in the field will bring up the Tower menu. 
From this menu, you can upgrade the Tower's Firing Rate, Range, or Power. You can 
also sell the Tower, which will remove it from the screen and refund the player 3/4 
of the Tower's worth (including upgrades). Be careful: once a tower has been sold, 
the tile that it was placed on becomes Rocky and cannot be used for any other Towers!

To summon the next wave of enemies, click the Next Wave button. 10 enemies will spawn
and rush toward your base. Everytime you kill an enemy, you gain money. If you 
discover that your defenses are failing, you can still place and upgrade towers as 
before while the enemies are attacking.

As Enemies take damage, they become darker in color. Similarly, every time you lose a
life, your base becomes darker.

Every 5 waves, you recieve a bonus of $100. Every 10 waves, you recieve a bonus
life, up to a maximum total of 10 lives.

Try to survive for as many waves as you can!


A tower defense game for ND++ (University of Notre Dame CSE 20212 Spring 2012)


Language:C++ 99.0%Language:Prolog 1.0%