kmalfatti / memory-game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Memory Game Lab

You're going to create a Javascript memory game on a subject of your choice(web frameworks, dog breeds, etc.) See the example gifs at the bottom of the page for inspiration.

The requirements

  • The game must consist of at least 16 cards
  • When the user clicks on a card, the "back" of the card is revealed by setting the background image property on the card. What image to display should depend on the data-answer attribute on the card.
  • A user can click two cards each turn. If they are a match, the cards stay overturned. Otherwise, both cards flip back over.
  • If the user matches all the cards, display a message saying "You win!"
  • A reset button which will restart the game and reset the cards
  • Style it. Make it look nice.
  • Make all the tests pass!
  • Submit a link to your github repo

Set up

Fork and clone this repo. From the memory-game-lab directory, run npm install. Then run npm test and you should see the tests run. You know the drill: red, green, refactor!

Bonus Features

  • Add a card-flipping animation when the user clicks a card
  • Add a time limit. If the time expires, show the user a game over screen.



Language:JavaScript 81.6%Language:HTML 9.8%Language:CSS 8.6%