klorenz / gollum-caves

A multi wiki appliance of gollum-caves including a markdown wysiwyg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gollum Caves

This is an enterprise Wiki. It is designed to work with Markdown for wiki files and several editors to edit all files of a git repo in the wiki.

This is not yet for production use, not all concepts clear, WYSIWYG Editor is still in work

Directory Structure

  • wiki/ - contains collections
  • wiki/wiki/me - collection configuration wiki
  • wiki/wiki/home - landing wiki
  • wiki//me - user's configuration wiki
  • wiki//me - groups's configuration wiki

Idea: have something like a template wiki

  • wiki/wiki/skeleton - skeleton wiki for new user's 'me' wiki

If we talk about a wiki here, it is actually a bare repository


It uses markdown-it for rendering.


  • Handle large files

    • First maybe start with refusing to post/uplaod files larger than 5MB

    • second store them automatically on webdav accessible folder

      • what to do with versions?
  • Create DAV endpoints which store data to wiki


  • https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/index.html

  • Use CKEditor to create workflows textually.

    Think of languages like https://knsv.github.io/mermaid/#mermaid or http://adrai.github.io/flowchart.js/ or http://plantuml.com/, http://www.graphviz.org or even http://floppsie.comp.glam.ac.uk/Glamorgan/gaius/web/pic.html.

    For this think of a tabular defined workflow like (from http://foswiki.org/Extensions/WorkflowPlugin)

    State Action Next State Allowed
    APPROVED revise UNDERREVISION QualityGroup
    WAITINGFORQM reject UNDERREVISION QualityManager,QualityGroup
    WAITINGFORCTO approve APPROVED TechnicalDirector
    WAITINGFORCTO reject UNDERREVISION TechnicalDirector,QualityManager

    this can be easily transformed to Mermaid:

    APPROVED --> C{"member of QualityGroup?"}      -- revise   --> UNDERREVISION
    UNDERREVISION --> C{"member of QualityGroup?"} -- complete --> WAITINGFORQM

    Now think of a textual description

    - :role:`QualityGroup` can :action:`revise` an :state:`APPROVED` page to
      :next:`UNDERREVISION` state.
    - :role:`QualityGroup` can :action:`complete:` a page :state:`UNDERREVISION`
      to :next:`WAINTINGFORQM` state.

    This notation uses reStructuredText role syntax.

    Following the http://pandoc.org/README.html#inline-code-attributes we can use

    - `QualityGroup`{.role} can `revise`{.action} an `APPROVED`{.state} page to
      `UNDERREVISION`{.next} state.

    Now thinking of CK Editor, you can mark an ordered list as workflow. The Workflow has a specific view (non-editable content), which displays the graph to the text you have. You simply add the text roles (styles) to the words and the flow chart is created on the fly!

    Same you can do with a table.

    State Allow Edit Message
    UNDERREVISION QualityGroup This document is being revised.
    APPROVED nobody This document has been approved for release.
    WAITINGFORQM nobody This document is waiting for approval by the Quality Manager.
    WAITINGFORCTO nobody This document is waiting for approval by the CTO.

    For this think of a textually represented workflow like


Subscriptions are maintained by each user. They are metadata in wiki page <user>/me/subscriptions:

        - collection/wiki/PageName
        - collection/wiki2/
        - some/wiki/
        - some/wiki/Home

The user will be notified on

  • change of collection/wiki/PageName.md
  • on change of any page in collection/wiki2/
  • if a page is added to some/wiki/
  • if a page some/wiki/Home.md is deleted
Status: Draft

[ ] Implemented


  • need partials like in

    Mustache.registerHelper("renderPartial", function(templateName) {
      return can.view.render(templateName, this)

    Then define "Gollum::Editors" like Gollum::Markups Markup for each registered Type.

    Default type is Gollum::Editor::Upload

  • Need partial template path, to be able to read templates from plugins

  • Add default Page for any format. Display Page lik

  • What to do if you have Page.svg and Page.md and you request Page?

  • define SVG as Markup

  • Add "format" selector to new page.

  • Finish Settings engine.

  • Add ACL Lists.

  • Add inline-code-attributes

  • CKEditor

    • Add Gollum Links to CKEditor Markdown Transformer

    • Add Selector for gollum pages to CKEditor Link Dialog

    • Add Selector for gollum images (especially attachmens) to CKEditor Image Dialog

  • Handle big files (start with deny upload of big files)

    Having https://github.com/cdunn2001/git-sym/wiki/Details in mind:

    • Create a simple script, which handles big files

    • For a big file, there is created a file ".get-.mak", which contains the rules how to create . itself will be added to .gitignore file.


  • finish DAV Resource

  • check for edit clashes on save

  • Page Validator:

    • you should be able to add a page validator, which is run as hook in markup chain. You can add validation records as frontmatter. If one is not fulfilled, there is shown a corresponding message.

      This can be also checked using the server-based preview.

  • Server Based Preview. You should be able to select preview type between instant (fast, local on page) and server-based (a little delayed after changes)

  • Configurable (per-wiki) threshold Setting for big files (maybe even by format, size) Big files must be creatable by something easy like make. (even on windows)

    They must be updated, if the file has been updated. (If the hashed location changed)

  • HTML import to Markdown

  • other markdown editors: https://github.com/NextStepWebs/simplemde-markdown-editor/

  • trumbowyg

  • aloha

  • http://epiceditor.com/ http://blog.netgusto.com/tag/wysiwyg/

foo bar

Page _Header

PageName Revision OrganizationalUnit Geltungsbereich Creator Responsible Verifier ReleaseDate

time machine mode

  • need a badge (which you can escape by clicking the x), which states range the version of commit, the timerange from commit till next commit. Then everything is running in that version.


  • public files must have

publishing workflow

Use standard tagging mechanism v0.0.1 etc, for publishing.

one of the principals is extendability

  • it must be easy to add a new file format to system

  • have a command for building the public folder from the plugins and the gollum-caves public folder

The wiki structure:

You have files. You can have two types of storage:

  • If there is a file foo.md, you store attachments, comments, etc. to this page in folder foo/. Comments could be stored to comments.yml

  • You could also store comments in page's frontmatter and store attachments wherever you like and you reference them in frontmatter.


Bower is needed for development. Bower packages are installed into bower_components/, and then installed into public/, by running make update-public, which is completely versioned.

It is intended that system is runnable with bundle install, bundle update and bundle exec rackup config.ru.


A multi wiki appliance of gollum-caves including a markdown wysiwyg


Language:JavaScript 90.5%Language:HTML 5.7%Language:CSS 2.8%Language:Ruby 1.0%Language:PHP 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%