klniu / mediawiki-docker

To generate a production use MediaWiki docker image

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MediaWiki Docker Image

This repo is largely based on MediaWiki offical docker repo.

The changes are:

  • Used "Vector" skin by default
  • Used PHP-Apache docker image as base
  • Used stable version of MediaWiki
  • Customized for the production use

Configuration options

Use the following environmental variables to generate a LocalSettings.php and perform automatic installation of MediaWiki. If you don't include these, you'll need to go through the installation wizard. See Installation Wizard below for more details. Please see Manual:Configuration_settings for details about what these configuration variables do.

  • -e MEDIAWIKI_SITE_SERVER= (required set this to the server host and include the protocol (and port if necessary) like http://my-wiki:8080; configures $wgServer)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_SITE_NAME= (defaults to MediaWiki; configures $wgSitename)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_SITE_LANG= (defaults to en; configures $wgLanguageCode)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_ADMIN_USER= (defaults to admin; configures default administrator username)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_ADMIN_PASS= (defaults to rosebud; configures default administrator password)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_UPDATE=true (defaults to false; run php maintenance/update.php)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_SLEEP= (defaults to 0; delays startup of container, useful when using Docker Compose)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_EXTENSIONS (defaults to empty; specify which extensions to enable, comma separated. Extensions are installed through docker image build)
  • -e PARSOID_DOMAIN (defaults to localhost, parsoid domain)
  • -e RESTBASE_URL (defaults not set, RestBase instance URL, if not set, no RestBase will be configured)
  • -e LDAP_DOMAIN (defaults not set, LDAP domain, e.g. CWL)
  • -e LDAP_SERVER (defaults not set, LDAP server address)
  • -e LDAP_PORT (defaults to 389, LDAP server port)
  • -e LDAP_ENCRYPTION_TYPE (defaults to clear, LDAP connection encryption type, possible values are clear, ldapi, tls and ssl)
  • -e LDAP_BASE_DN (defaults to ou=Users,ou=LOCAL,dc=domain,dc=local, LDAP base DN for searching)
  • -e LDAP_USER_BASE_DN (defaults to ou=Users,ou=LOCAL,dc=domain,dc=local, LDAP base DN for user info)
  • -e LDAP_SEARCH_STRINGS (defaults not set, LDAP search string)
  • -e LDAP_SEARCH_ATTRS (defaults not set, LDAP search attribute)
  • -e LDAP_PROXY_AGENT (defaults not set, LDAP proxy agent)
  • -e LDAP_PROXY_PASSWORD (defaults not set, LDAP proxy agent password)
  • -e LDAP_USERNAME_ATTR (defaults to cn, LDAP attribute for user name)
  • -e LDAP_REALNAME_ATTR (defaults to displayname, LDAP attribute for real name)
  • -e LDAP_EMAIL_ATTR (defaults to mail, LDAP attribute for for email address)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_MAIN_CACHE (defaults to CACHE_NONE, main cache)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_MEMCACHED_SERVERS (defaults to [], list of memcched servers, comma separated, e.g.["memcached:11211", "memcached1:11211"])
  • -e UBC_AUTH (defaults not set. Set o true to enable the UBC-specific authentication extension)
  • -e AUTO_CREATED_USER_REDIRECT (defaults not set. Set it to a wiki page [e.g. Main_page] to redirect new users to a specific page when they first login via LDAP)

As mentioned, this will generate the LocalSettings.php file that is required by MediaWiki. If you mounted a shared volume (see Shared Volume below), the generated LocalSettings.php will be automatically moved to your share volume allowing you to edit it. If a CustomSettings.php file exists in your data file, a require('/data/CustomSettings.php'); will be appended to the generated LocalSettings.php file.

Docker Compose

docker-compose up

Customization can be done through the environment variables in docker-compose.yaml.

Using Database Server

You can use the following environment variables for connecting to another database server:

  • -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_TYPE=... (defaults to mysql, but can also be postgres)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_HOST=... (defaults to the address of the linked database container)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_PORT=... (defaults to the port of the linked database container or to the default for specified db type)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_USER=... (defaults to root or postgres based on db type being mysql, or postgres respsectively)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_PASSWORD=... (defaults to the password of the linked database container)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_NAME=... (defaults to mediawiki)
  • -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_SCHEMA... (defaults to mediawiki, applies only to when using postgres)

If the MEDIAWIKI_DB_NAME specified does not already exist on the provided MySQL server, it will be created automatically upon container startup, provided that the MEDIAWIKI_DB_USER specified has the necessary permissions to create it.

To use with an external database server, use MEDIAWIKI_DB_HOST (along with MEDIAWIKI_DB_USER and MEDIAWIKI_DB_PASSWORD if necessary):

docker run --name some-mediawiki \
    -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_PORT=3306 \
    -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_USER=app \

Shared Volume

If provided mount a shared volume using the -v argument when running docker run, the mediawiki container will automatically look for a LocalSettings.php file and images, skins and extensions folders. When found symbolic links will be automatically created to the respsective file or folder to replace the ones included with the default MediaWiki install. This allows you to easily configure (LocalSettings.php), backup uploaded files (images), and customize (skins and extensions) your instance of MediaWiki.

It is highly recommend you mount a shared volume so uploaded files and images will be outside of the docker container.

By default the shared volume must be mounted to /data on the container, you can change this using by using -e MEDIAWIKI_SHARED=/new/data/path.

Additionally if a composer.lock and a composer.json are detected, the container will automatically download composer and run composer install. Composer can be used to install additional extensions, skins and dependencies.

Accessing MediaWiki

Access it via http://localhost:8080 or http://host-ip:8080 in a browser.

Setting up instance for development

First startup the application for the first time with:

docker-compose up -d

Next after startup run the following to add the user_cwl_extended_account_data table

docker cp ./dev/add_table.sql mediawiki-docker_db_1:/add_table.sql
docker exec -it mediawiki-docker_db_1 /bin/bash -c "mysql -u root -ppassword mediawiki < /add_table.sql"

Next you need to uncomment the line - ./LocalSettings.php:/var/www/html/LocalSettings.php in the docker compose file.

Finally restart all the containers with:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

Adding new LDAP users

You can connect to the LDAP container using your preferred LDAP GUI using localhost:1389 with login cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org and password admin.

When adding a new user, make sure to use simpleSecurityObject, inetOrgPerson, and ubcEdu classes.

Customization with LDAP authentication enabled

Customize the login button by modifying the page MediaWiki:Pluggableauth-loginbutton-label. The default is "Log in with PluggableAuth".

Customize the login help message by modifying the page MediaWiki:Userlogin-helplink2 and MediaWiki:Helplogin-url. The default is a hyperlink "Help with logging in" that links to mediawiki help page.

Customize the help message on Preferences page about email addresses by editing the page MediaWiki:Prefs-help-email. The default help messages mentioned email addresses are used for password reset, which is irrelevant if mediawiki is setup with LDAP authentication.

Custom Caliper actor data

See the mediawiki-extensions-caliper repo's CaliperActor object for the default logged in and logged out users.

You can customize the Caliper actor by using the SetCaliperActorObject hook. This container has uses this hook with the SetCaliperActor function inside of CustomHooks.php.

By default, the SetCaliperActor function will use UBC puid for the identifier and CALIPER_LDAP_ACTOR_HOMEPAGE environment variable as the base string so the actor identifier will take the form of CaliperLDAPActorHomepage/LDAP_PUID (ex: https://www.ubc.ca/SOME_PUID). you can instead remove this function and create your own depending on your institution needs, deployment settings, and/or authorization methods.

Debugging with Containers

To change the files in container:

docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID share

You may need to restart the container to load the change, use:

docker-compose restart SERIVCE_NAME

where the SERIVCE_NAME can be any service in docker-compose, e.g. nodeservices, web, db, etc. The changes in the container will persist.

Version and Release Tags

The REL* branches track the upstream Mediawiki released versions. When something is updated in this repo and is ready to be deployed, a new tag should be created and the tag name should in the format of BRANCH_NAME + BUILD NUMBER, e.g. REL1_30_B2 or REL1_31_B5. The BUILD_NUMBER should be increased sequentially.

The same rules apply to node-services repo as well.


To generate a production use MediaWiki docker image

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 82.0%Language:Shell 10.8%Language:Dockerfile 7.2%