kln / calendly-api-ruby-client

A Ruby client library for accessing Calendly v2 APIs

Home Page:https://rubygems.org/gems/calendly

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Calendly APIs client

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These client libraries are created for Calendly v2 APIs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'calendly'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install calendly



The APIs client needs access token. This client setup step is below.

# set token by Calendly.configure methods.
Calendly.configure do |config|
  config.token            = '<ACCESS_TOKEN>'
  # follows are options. you can refresh access token if these are set.
  config.client_id        = '<CLIENT_ID>'
  config.client_secret    = '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
  config.refresh_token    = '<REFRESH_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
  config.token_expires_at = '<ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_AT>'
client = Calendly::Client.new

# set token by Calendly::Client initializer.
client = Calendly::Client.new '<ACCESS_TOKEN>'

This client basic usage is below.

# get a current user's information.
me = client.me
# => #<Calendly::User uuid="U001", name="Foo Bar", slug="foobar", email="foobar@example.com", ..>

# => "https://calendly.com/foobar"

# get all event types
event_types = me.event_types
# => [#<Calendly::EventType uuid="ET001", name="15 Minute Meeting", type="StandardEventType", slug="15min", active=true, kind="solo", scheduling_url="https://calendly.com/foobar/15min", ..>, #<Calendly::EventType uuid="ET002", name="30 Minute Meeting", type="StandardEventType", slug="30min", active=true, kind="solo", scheduling_url="https://calendly.com/foobar/30min", ..>]

event_type = event_types.first
# => "https://calendly.com/foobar/15min"

# get available times for the event type
available_times = event_type.available_times
# => [2022-08-04 01:00:00 UTC, 2022-08-04 01:15:00 UTC, 2022-08-04 01:30:00 UTC]

# you can specify the date range
event_type.available_times(start_time: '2022-08-04T10:30:00Z', end_time: '2022-08-05T10:30:00Z')

# get scheduled events
events = me.scheduled_events
# => => [#<Calendly::Event uuid="EV001", name="FooBar Meeting", status="active", ..>, #<Calendly::Event uuid="EV002", name="Team Meeting", status="active", ..>]
ev = events.first
# => "FooBar Meeting"
# => 2020-07-22 01:30:00 UTC
# => 2020-07-22 02:00:00 UTC

# get a current organization's information
org = me.current_organization
# => #<Calendly::Organization uuid="ORG001", ..>
all_members = org.memberships
# => [#<Calendly::OrganizationMembership uuid="MEM001", role="owner", ..>, #<Calendly::OrganizationMembership uuid="MEM002", role="user", ..>]

# create new invitation and send invitation email
invitation = org.create_invitation('foobar@example.com')
# => #<Calendly::OrganizationInvitation uuid="INV001", status="pending", email="foobar@example.com", ..>

# cancel the invitation
# => true


The webhook usage is below.

url = 'https://example.com/received_event'
subscribable_user_events = ['invitee.created', 'invitee.canceled']
subscribable_org_events = ['invitee.created', 'invitee.canceled', 'routing_form_submission.created']

# create a user scope webhook
me = client.me
user_webhook = me.create_webhook(url, subscribable_user_events)
# => #<Calendly::WebhookSubscription uuid="USER_WEBHOOK_001", state="active", scope="user", events=["invitee.created", "invitee.canceled"], callback_url="https://example.com/received_event", ..>

# list of user scope webhooks
# => [#<Calendly::WebhookSubscription uuid="USER_WEBHOOK_001", state="active", scope="user", events=["invitee.created", "invitee.canceled"], callback_url="https://example.com/received_event", ..>]

# delete the webhook
# => true

# create an organization scope webhook
org = client.me.current_organization
org_webhook = org.create_webhook(url, subscribable_org_events)
# => #<Calendly::WebhookSubscription uuid="ORG_WEBHOOK_001", state="active", scope="organization", events=["invitee.created", "invitee.canceled", "routing_form_submission.created"], callback_url="https://example.com/received_event", ..>

# list of organization scope webhooks
# => [#<Calendly::WebhookSubscription uuid="ORG_WEBHOOK_001", state="active", scope="organization", events=["invitee.created", "invitee.canceled"], callback_url="https://example.com/received_event", ..>]

# delete the webhook
# => true


This library supports a configurable logger.

# if the log level set :debug, you can get the request/response information.
Calendly.configuration.logger.level = :debug
invitation = org.create_invitation('foobar@example.com')
# D, [2020-08-10T10:48:15] DEBUG -- : Request POST https://api.calendly.com/organizations/ORG001/invitations params:, body:{:email=>"foobar@example.com"}
# D, [2020-08-10T10:48:16] DEBUG -- : Response status:201, body:{"resource":{"created_at":"2020-08-10T10:48:16.051159Z","email":"foobar@example.com","last_sent_at":"2020-08-10T10:48:16.096518Z","organization":"https://api.calendly.com/organizations/ORG001","status":"pending","updated_at":"2020-08-10T10:48:16.051159Z","uri":"https://api.calendly.com/organizations/ORG001/invitations/INV001"}}

More in-depth method documentation can be found at RubyDoc.info.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Calendly Api Client project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


A Ruby client library for accessing Calendly v2 APIs


License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%