klinker24 / wedding-on-rails

Wedding website with Ruby on Rails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wedding on Rails


Adapted from wedding-on-rails.

Setup and Deployment


  1. Use ruby 2.1 for eventmanager support
  2. Add AWS config variables to Heroku for config/initializers/carrierwave.rb
  3. Add admin username and password to Heroku config variables
  4. You can change the color scheme from /app/assets/stylesheets/themes/popcorn/core/_variables.scss

Creating a Heroku instance:

If you are looking for a free and easy virtual machine, Cloud9 is a good place to do Rails development, it comes with all the Heroku commands ready.

  1. heroku create
  2. git push heroku master
  3. heroku run rake db:migrate
  4. heroku run rake db:seed

Deploying to Heroku:

  1. commit any changes
  2. git push heroku master

Useful Hints/Commands

  1. You can still use rails console to view the Heroku Postgres database.
heroku run rails console
heroku run rails console --sandbox
  1. Resetting the database is different on heroku.
heroku pg:reset DATABASE --confirm murmuring-cove-7771
heroku run rake db:migrate db:seed


Wedding website with Ruby on Rails


Language:Ruby 53.6%Language:CSS 27.0%Language:HTML 14.9%Language:CoffeeScript 2.1%Language:Java 1.8%Language:JavaScript 0.5%Language:Shell 0.0%