klinker24 / twitter4j

Twitter4J is an open-sourced, mavenized and Google App Engine safe Java library for the Twitter API which is released under the Apache License 2.0.

Home Page:http://twitter4j.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Twitter4J is a Twitter API binding library for the Java language licensed under Apache License 2.0.

Packaging Twitter4j

First install mvn. When I installed it on Ubuntu, my M2_HOME variable didn't get set up correctly. To set the M2_HOME:

$ export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven

Packaging the repo after that is as easy as:

$ mvn package

// if there are failing tests, you will have to skip them if you want it to get packaged
$ mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

The output .jar files will be in the /target/ directory of the version you want to build (ie: twitter4j-core).

To merge a Pull Request

Checkout a new branch to test on:

$ git checkout -b pull_request

Merge the pull request into that branch

$ git pull git@github.com:<user>/twitter4j.git <pull_request_branch>

Test it, then merge back into master

$ git checkout master
$ git merge pull_request


Twitter4J includes software from JSON.org to parse JSON response from the Twitter API. You can see the license term at http://www.JSON.org/license.html

LICENSE.txt - the terms of license of this software
pom.xml - maven parent pom
powered-by-badge - badge
readme.txt - this file
twitter4j-core - core component : support REST and Search API
twitter4j-apache-httpclient-support - optional component adds Apache HttpClient support
twitter4j-examples - examples
twitter4j-media-support - media API support
twitter4j-async - Async API support : depending on twitter4j-core
twitter4j-stream - Streaming API support : depending on twitter4j-core and twitter4j-async
twitter4j-http2-support - HTTP/2 support : adds HTTP/2 support, boosts Twitter4J performance, reduce packets, save the earth
Aaron Rankin <aaron at sproutsocial.com> @aaronrankin
Adam Samet <asamet at twitter.com> @damnitsamet
Adrian Petrescu <apetresc at gmail.com> @apetresc
Akash Nawani <akash.nawani at gmail.com> @AkashNawani
Alan Gutierrez <alan at blogometer.com>
Alessandro Bahgat <ale.bahgat at gmail.com> @abahgat
Alex Kira <alex.kira at gmail.com> @alexkira
Amine Bezzarga <abezzarg at gmail.com> @Go_Mino
Anton Novopashin <antonevane at gmail.com> @anton_evane
Andy Boothe <andy.boothe at gmail.com> @sigpwned
Blake Barnes <blake.barnes at gmail.com>
Borja Fernández @BorjaL
Bruno Torres Goyanna <bgoyanna at gmail.com> @bgoyanna
Chris Nix
Chris Romary
Ciaran Jessup <ciaranj at gmail.com> @ciaran_j
Cole Wen <wennnnke at gmail.com> @Pigwen
Dan Checkoway <dcheckoway at gmail.com>
Danaja Maldeniya <danajamkdt at gmail.com> @DanajaT
Daniel Huckaby <handlerexploit at gmail.com> @HandlerExploit
Denis Bardadym <bardadymchik at gmail.com> @bardadymchik
Dong Wang <dong at twitter.com> @dongwang218
Eli Israel <eli at meshfire.com> @eliasisrael
Eric Jensen <ej at twitter.com> @ej
Fiaz Hossain <fiaz at twitter.com> @fiazhossain
Gabriel Zanetti @pupi1985
George Ludwig <georgeludwig at gmail.com> @georgeludwig
Gonçalo Silva <goncalossilva at gmail.com> @goncalossilva
Hemant Kumar <hemant.singh13 at gmail.com> @hemantsingh1309
Hendy Irawan <hendy@hendyirawan.com>
Hiroaki Takeuchi <takke30 at gmail.com> @takke
Hiroki Takemoto <pompopo at gmail.com> @pompopo
Hiroshi Sugimori <mamamadata at gmail.com> @ham1975
Hitoshi Kunimatsu <hkhumanoid at gmail.com>
Igor Brigadir <igor.brigadir at insight-centre.org> @igorbrigadir
JJ Kelley <jjthemachine at gmail.com> @jjthemachine
Jacob Elder <jacob.elder@gmail.com> @jelder
Jacob S. Hoffman-Andrews <jsha at twitter.com> @j4cob
Jason Webb <bigjasonwebb at gmail.com> @BigJasonWebb
Jeff Buchbinder @jbuchbinder
Jenny Loomis <jenny at rockmelt.com>
Joe Sondow @JoeSondow
John Corwin <jcorwin at twitter.com> @johnxorz
John Sirois <jsirois at twitter.com> @johnsirois
Julien Letrouit <julien.letrouit at gmail.com> @jletroui
Jumpei Matsuda <j.matsuda.bb26th at gmail.com> @fat_daruuuuma
Keiichi Hirano <hirano.kei1 at gmail.com> @haushinka2dx
Kenji Yoshida <6b656e6a69 at gmail.com> @xuwei_k
Komiya Atsushi <komiya.atsushi at gmail.com> @komiya_atsushi
Linker Lin <linker.lin at live.com>
Ludovico Fischer @ludovicofischer
marr-masaaki <marr fiveflavors at gmail.com> @marr
matsumo <matsumo at ce.ns0.it> @sardinej
Matteo Nicoletti <matteo at kaosmos.it> @kaosmos
Matteo Villa @mttvll
Max Penet <m at qbits.cc> @mpenet
Mike Champion <mike at graysky.org> @graysky
Mocel <docel77 at gmail.com> @Mocel
MortyChoi <soapsign at gmail.com> @Soapsign
Myyk Seok <myyk.seok at gmail.com> @myyk
Naoya Hatayama <applepedlar at gmail.com> @ApplePedlar
Ngoc Dao <ngocdaothanh@gmail.com> @ngocdaothanh
Nobutoshi Ogata <n-ogata at cnt.biglobe.co.jp> @nobu666
Norbert Bartels <n.bartels at phpmonkeys.de>
Nicolas Bouillon <nicolas at bouil.org>
Nicholas Dellamaggiore <nick.dellamaggiore at gmail.com> @nickdella
Nils Haldenwang @nilshaldenwang
Niv Singer <niv at innerlogics.com> @nivs
Pierre Lanvin <pierre.lanvin@gmail.com> @planvin
Pieter Meiresone @_MPieter
Perry Sakkaris <psakkaris at gmail.com>
Rajesh Koilpillai <rajesh.koilpillai at gmail.com> @rajeshkp
Roberto Estrada <robestradac at gmail.com>
Robson Cassol <robsoncassol at gmail.com> @robsoncassol
Roy Reshef <royreshef at gmail.com> @tsipo
Rui Silva
Sam Pullara <sam at sampullara.com> @sampullara
Sdk0815 <developer at terumode.net> @Sdk0815
Shane Gibson <shane.a.gibson at gmail.com> @shaneagibson
Shintaro Watanabe <shintaro.watanabe1226@gmail.com> @shin_taro_1226
Simone Aiello <aiello.simone103 at gmail.com> @saiello103
Steve Lhomme <slhomme at matroska.org> @robux4
Steven Liu <steven at twitter.com> @steven
Q.P.Liu <qpliu at yahoo.com>
Rémy Rakic <remy.rakic at gmail.com> @lqd
Talal Ahmed <talal at venexel.ca>
Takao Nakaguchi <takao.nakaguchi at gmail.com> @takawitter
Takatoshi Murakami
Takuro Yamane <alalwww at awairo.net> @alalwww
Tomasz Nurkiewicz @tnurkiewicz
Tomoaki Iwasaki <multicolorworld.shinku at gmail.com> @MulticolorWorld
Tomoaki Takezoe <sumito3478 at gmail.com> @sumito3478
Tomohisa Igarashi <tm.igarashi at gmail.com>
Tyler MacLeod
Will Glozer <will at glozer.net> @ar3te
William Morgan <william at twitter.com> @wm
William O'Hanley <william at wohanley.com> @wohanley
William Vanderhoef <william.vanderhoef at gmail.com> @thePoofy
withgod <noname at withgod.jp> @withgod
Yuichiro Kawano <tresener.yu1ro at gmail.com> @tresener_yu1ro
Yusuke Yamamoto <yusuke at mac.com> @yusuke
Yuto Uehara <mumei.himazin at gmail.com> @mumei_himazin


Twitter4J is an open-sourced, mavenized and Google App Engine safe Java library for the Twitter API which is released under the Apache License 2.0.




Language:Java 97.9%Language:Shell 1.3%Language:Batchfile 0.8%