klich3 / PosePipe

Blender Python - Camera Motion Capture using OpenCV and Mediapipe

Repository from Github https://github.comklich3/PosePipeRepository from Github https://github.comklich3/PosePipe

PosePipe & Media Pipe

Blender Motion Capture using your camera or stream camera!

Screenshot GIF Stream


This will install to Blender's Python path, rather than your system's.


1 - Open Blender 2 - Download repo in zip file 3 - Go to Edit > Preferences > Add Ons > Install Add on, then select file 4 - Open the BlendyPose panel On Open is checks for dependencies for proper work, click Install Dependencies

5 - Click Start Camera! or Load Video File

Options Extra: - Flip Horizontal for selfies - Mask background

Install Manually python dependences


  • /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/3.0/python/bin/pip3 install opencv-python mediapipe protobuf --target=/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/3.0/python/lib/python3.9

Troubles and solutions

Blender3 + Python3.10 on OSX: numpy.core._multiarray_umath

  • /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/3.0/python/bin/pip3 install numpy --target=/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/3.0/python/lib/python3.9 --upgrade

Blender3 + Python3.10 on OSX: mediapipe.python._framework_bindings

  • /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/3.0/python/bin/pip3 install mediapipe --upgrade --target=/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/3.0/python/lib/python3.9

Blender crash on connect to the camera:

  • You need extra OSX permissions to use Camera

  • Add access to the macbook camera for the terminal application

    Method 1: in Finder go to /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/ click right click and Open in Terminal Method 2: in Terminal run /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender

    This solution

Camera setup:

  • -1 Linux
  • 0 (Windows, Osx build-in "laptop", Linux)
  • 1 (Osx iPhone)


Stream: Now you can connect to any stream camera using "JMPEG" format or RTSP stream. For simple camera stream I recomend to use ESP32 - Arduino > Examples > ESP32 > Camera > CameraWebServer - esp32cam-rtsp - esp32cam-example1 - esp32cam-example2

MediaPipe: - MediaPipe Documentation


forked from BlendyPose by Zonkosoft

BlendyPose is made using MediaPipe, OpenCV

Nicholas Renotte provided some Mediapipe knowledge.

Anton Sychev contribute and update code for run on Mac OSX

weixin_44834086 demonstrated how to downgrade protobuf, which makes mediapipe compatible with Blender 3 and up!


[x] modal notify of errors or no possibility to connect
[] save processed data to file
[] load data from processed file 

[x] separate methods mediapipe to file
[] add yolo engine
[x] add selector for preview -> original size video input | 800x600 | other resize

Knowledge of bugs

BUG: [x] prevent crash on intent to connect to camera (osx) [x] prevent crash on intent to connect to stream [] capture is deformed on vertical axie


Blender Python - Camera Motion Capture using OpenCV and Mediapipe

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%