kleinmatic / news-nerd-survey

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

News Nerd Survey

We want to learn more about our community of practice -- namely, people who code, crunch data, design interactive tools, present journalism, or manage people who do these things, in and around newsrooms.

We're not done thinking about what questions we want to ask. We know we've got way too many of them here. But we think it should include things like: How many are we? What kind of teams do we work on? What reporting structure do we follow and how do we organize our work? What works and what do we wish was different? We're planning to get some help coming up with the right questions at SRCCON and at ONA and then to field the survey later this year.

In the meantime, send us your unvarnished thoughts. What sucks? What and who are we missing? Is the first one too long? If so, what questions should we skip? Pull requests and Github issues are welcome.

Right now, things are divided into two questionnaires: One, a census that would go out to a single contact person at as many newsrooms as possible so we know we're getting a reliable count. Second, a more qualitative survey designed to be answered by everybody.

This project is currently being shepherded by Scott Klein from ProPublica, Brian Hamman from The New York Times, and Dan Sinker and Erika Owens from OpenNews.


These surveys are copyright 2015 Scott Klein and Brian Hamman, and are licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 license. You are free to share and to remix them, though not to use them commercially without permission.


You can submit issues using Github Issues.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b my-survey)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Proposed Change")
  4. Push your branch (git push origin my-survey)
  5. Send a pull request
