kleinjm / business_map

A simple web app that hits an API and diplays the results on a map

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Business Map

Business Map is a simple web app that hits an API and displays the results on a map. The API provides a list of businesses as well as an end-point for an individual business's details.

Deprecation Warning

The API is no longer available. However, this project is still a good example of how to parse JSON in Ruby and display it nicely in a Bootstrapped Rails application.

Where to Look

  • base_controller.rb houses the parsing logic and builds the map's display object. This functionality should be placed in a class in effort to keep a thin controller but for demonstration, it lives in the controller.
  • business.rb is a simple business object that is not database persistent (ie. ActiveModel not ActiveRecord). It is used to provide rails-like handling and functionality to a representation of a business record coming from the API.
  • views/base/index.html a HAML generated landing page.
  • base.coffee a coffeescripted JS file that handles loading the business details modal and generating the map points.


A simple web app that hits an API and diplays the results on a map


Language:Ruby 71.3%Language:HTML 19.2%Language:CoffeeScript 4.5%Language:CSS 2.8%Language:JavaScript 2.2%