kleanklas / realworld-cicd-pipeline-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

End-to-End Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline Project (Arch)


Project ToolBox 🧰
  • Git Git will be used to manage our application source code.
  • Github Github is a free and open source distributed VCS designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency
  • Jenkins Jenkins is an open source automation CI tool which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software
  • Maven Maven will be used for the application packaging and building including running unit test cases
  • Checkstyle Checkstyle is a static code analysis tool used in software development for checking if Java source code is compliant with specified coding rules and practices.
  • SonarQube SonarQube Catches bugs and vulnerabilities in your app, with thousands of automated Static Code Analysis rules.
  • Nexus Nexus Manage Binaries and build artifacts across your software supply chain
  • Ansible Ansible will be used for the application deployment to both lower environments and production
  • EC2 EC2 allows users to rent virtual computers (EC2) to run their own workloads and applications.
  • Slack Slack is a communication platform designed for collaboration which can be leveraged to build and develop a very robust DevOps culture. Will be used for Continuous feedback loop.
  • Prometheus Prometheus is a free software application used for event/metric monitoring and alerting for both application and infrastructure.
  • Grafana Grafana is a multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application. It provides charts, graphs, and alerts for the web when connected to supported data sources.
  • Splunk Splunk is an innovative technology which searches and indexes application/system log files and helps organizations derive insights from the data.

Jenkins Complete CI/CD Pipeline Project Runbook

  1. Create a GitHub Repository with the name Jenkins-Realworld-CICD-Project and push the code in this branch(main) to your remote repository (your newly created repository).

    • Go to GitHub: https://github.com
    • Login to Your GitHub Account
    • Create a Repository called Jenkins-Realworld-CICD-Project
    • Clone the Repository in the Repository directory/folder on your local machine
    • Download the code in in this repository "Main branch": https://github.com/awanmbandi/realworld-cicd-pipeline-project.git
    • Unzip the code/zipped file
    • Copy and Paste everything from the zipped file into the repository you cloned in your local
    • Open your Terminal
      • Add the code to git, commit and push it to your upstream branch "main or master"
      • Add the changes: git add -A
      • Commit changes: git commit -m "adding project source code"
      • Push to GitHub: git push
    • Confirm that the code is now available on GitHub
  2. Create An IAM Profile/Role For The Ansible Automation Engine (Dynamic Inventory)

  • Create an EC2 Service Role in IAM with AmazonEC2FullAccess Privilege
  • Navigate to IAM IAM!
    • Click on Roles
    • Click on Create Role
    • Select Service Role
    • Use Case: Select EC2
    • Click on Next
    • Attach Policy: AmazonEC2FullAccess
    • Click Next
    • Role Name: AWS-EC2FullAccess-Role
    • Click Create
  1. Jenkins/Maven/Ansible

  2. SonarQube

  3. Nexus

  4. EC2 (Dev Environment)

  5. EC2 (Stage Environment)

  6. EC2 (Prod Environment)

  7. Prometheus

    • Create a Prometheus VM instance
    • Name: Prometheus
    • AMI: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Instance type: t2.micro
    • Key pair: Select a keypair
    • Security Group (Eit/Open): 9090 and 22 to
    • IAM instance profile: Select the AWS-EC2FullAccess-Role
    • Launch Instance
  8. Grafana

    • Create a Grafana VM instance
    • Name: Grafana
    • AMI: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Instance type: t2.micro
    • Key pair: Select a keypair
    • Security Group (Eit/Open): 3000 and 22 to
    • Launch Instance
  9. EC2 (Splunk)

    • Create a Splunk/Indexer VM instance
    • Name: Splunk-Indexer
    • AMI: Amazon Linux 2
    • Instance type: t2.large
    • Key pair: Select a keypair
    • Security Group (Eit/Open): 22, 8000, 9997, 9100 to
    • Launch Instance

NOTE: Confirm and make sure you have a total of 9 VM instances


  1. Slack

    • Go to the bellow Workspace and create a Private Slack Channel and name it "yourfirstname-jenkins-cicd-pipeline-alerts"
    • Link: https://join.slack.com/t/jjtechtowerba-zuj7343/shared_invite/zt-24mgawshy-EhixQsRyVuCo8UD~AbhQYQ
      • You can either join through the browser or your local Slack App
      • Create a Private Channel using the naming convention YOUR_INITIAL-cicd-pipeline-alerts
        • NOTE: (The Channel Name Must Be Unique, meaning it must be available for use)
      • Visibility: Select Private
      • Click on the Channel Drop Down and select Integrations and Click on Add an App
      • Search for Jenkins and Click on View
      • Click on Configuration/Install and Click Add to Slack
      • On Post to Channel: Click the Drop Down and select your channel above YOUR_INITIAL-cicd-pipeline-alerts
      • Click Add Jenkins CI Integration
      • Leave this page open SlackConfig!

    NOTE: Update Your Jenkins file with your Slack Channel Name

    • Go back to your local, open your Jenkins-Realworld-CICD-Project repo/folder/directory on VSCODE
    • Open your Jenkinsfile
    • Update the slack channel name on line "133" (there about)
    • Change the name from whatever that is there to your Slack Channel Name YOUR_INITIAL-cicd-pipeline-alerts
      • Bring up your Terminal (Depending on your machine type) and run the following commands
      • Add the changes to git: git add -A
      • Commit the changes: git commit -m "updated Jenkinsfile with slack channel name"
      • Push the changes to GitHub: git push
    • Confirm that the changes are available on GitHub

Configure All Systems

Configure Promitheus With (Service Discovery)

  • Login/SSH to your Prometheus Server
  • Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/awanmbandi/realworld-cicd-pipeline-project.git
  • Change directory: cd realworld-cicd-pipeline-project
  • Swtitch branch: git switch prometheus-and-grafana-install
  • Confirm Branch Switch: git branch and ls -al
  • Change directory to Service Discovery: cd service-discovery
  • Install Prometheus: bash install-prometheus.sh
  • Confirm the status shows "Active (running)"
  • Exit

Configure Grafana

  • Login/SSH to your Grafana Server
  • Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/awanmbandi/realworld-cicd-pipeline-project.git
  • Change directory: cd realworld-cicd-pipeline-project
  • Swtitch branch: git switch prometheus-and-grafana-install
  • Confirm Branch Switch: git branch and ls -al
  • Install Prometheus: bash install-grafana.sh
  • Confirm the status shows "Active (running)"
  • Exit

Configure The "Node Exporter" on the "Dev", "Stage" and "Prod" instances including your "Pipeline Infra"

  • Login/SSH into the "Dev-Env", "Stage-Env" and "Prod-Env" VM instance
  • Perform the following operations on all of them
  • Install git by running: sudo yum install git -y
  • Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/awanmbandi/realworld-cicd-pipeline-project.git
  • Change directory: cd realworld-cicd-pipeline-project
  • Swtitch branch: git switch prometheus-and-grafana-install
  • Confirm Branch Switch: git branch and ls -al (to confirm you have the branch files)
  • Install The Node Exporter: bash install-node-exporter.sh
  • Confirm the status shows "Active (running)"
  • Access the Node Exporters running on port "9100", open your browser and run the below
    • Dev-EnvPublicIPaddress:9100 (Confirm this page is accessible)
    • Stage-EnvPublicIPaddress:9100 (Confirm this page is accessible)
    • Prod-EnvPublicIPaddress:9100 (Confirm this page is accessible)
  • Exit

Configure The "Node Exporter" on the "Jenkins-Maven-Ansible", "Nexus" and "SonarQube" instances

  • Login/SSH into the "Jenkins-Maven-Ansible", "Nexus" and "SonarQube" VM instance
  • Perform the following operations on all of them
  • Install git:
    • Jenkins/Maven/Ansible and Nexus VMs: sudo yum install git -y
    • SonarQube VM: sudo apt install git -y
  • Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/awanmbandi/realworld-cicd-pipeline-project.git
  • Change directory: cd realworld-cicd-pipeline-project
  • Swtitch branch: git switch prometheus-and-grafana-install
  • Confirm Branch Switch: git branch and ls -al (to confirm you have the branch files)
  • Install The Node Exporter: bash install-node-exporter.sh
  • Confirm the status shows "Active (running)"
  • Access the Node Exporters running on port "9100", open your browser and run the below
    • Jenkins-Maven-AnsiblePublicIPaddress:9100 (Confirm the pages are accessible)
    • NexusPublicIPaddress:9100
    • SonarQubePublicIPaddress:9100
  • Exit NodeExporter!

Confirm That The Prometheus Service Disconvery Config Works As Expected

  • Open a TAB on your choice Browser
  • Copy the Prometheus PublicIP Address and paste on the browser/tab with port 9090 e.g "PrometheusPublicIPAddres:9090"
    • Once you get to the Prometheus Dashboard Click on "Status" and Click on "Targets"
  • Confirm that Prometheus is able to reach everyone of your Nodes, do this by confirming the Status "UP" (green) ConfigurePrometheus!

Open a New Tab on your browser for Grafana also if you've not done so already.

  • Copy your Grafana Instance Public IP and put on the browser with port 3000 e.g "GrafanaInstancePublic:3000"

  • Once the UI Opens pass the following username and password

    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
    • Click on Log In
    • New Username: admin
    • New Password: admin
    • Click on Submit ConfigureGrafana!
  • Once you get into Grafana, follow the below steps to Import a Dashboard into Grafana to visualize your Infrastructure/App Metrics

    • Click on Configuration/Settings on your left
    • Click on Data Sources
    • Click on Add Data Source
    • Select Prometheus
    • Underneath HTTP URL: http://PrometheusPublicOrPrivateIPaddress:9090
    • Click on SAVE and TEST
  • Download the Prometheus Node Exporter Full Grafana Dashboard JSON

  • Navigate to "Create" on your left (the + sign) on Grafana

    • Click on Import
    • Click on Upload JSON file and Select the Dashboard JASON file you just downloaded GrafanaMetrics!
    • Scrol down to "Prometheus" and select the "Prometheus Data Source" you defined ealier which is Prometheus
    • CLICK on "Import"
  • Refresh your Grafana Dashbaord

    • Click on the "Drop Down" for "Host" and select any of the "Instances(IP)" GrafanaMetrics!

Setup Splunk Server/Indexer and Configure Forwarders

A) SSH into your Splunk Server including Dev, Stage and Prod Instances

  • NOTE: Run The Following Commands On The Splunk Server/Indexer Only

    • Download the Splunk RPM installer package for Linux
    • Link:
    wget -O splunk-9.1.1-64e843ea36b1.x86_64.rpm "https://download.splunk.com/products/splunk/releases/9.1.1/linux/splunk-9.1.1-64e843ea36b1.x86_64.rpm"
    • Install Splunk
    sudo yum install ./splunk-9.1.1-64e843ea36b1.x86_64.rpm -y
    • Start the splunk server
    sudo bash
    cd /opt/splunk/bin
    ./splunk start --accept-license --answer-yes
  • Enter adminadmin as the username and as the password, remember this because you will need this to log into Splunk on the Browser

  • NOTE: The Password must be up to 8 characters. You can assign adminadmin SplunkSetup1!

  • Access your Splunk Installation at http://Splunk-Server-IP:8000 and log into splunk

    • Username: admin, Password: Same Password You Just Configured Above SplunkSetup2!
  • NOTE(MANDATORY): Once you login to the splunk Indexer

    • Click on Settings

      • Click Server Settings
      • Click General Settings
      • Go ahead and Change the Pause indexing if free disk space from 5000 to 50
    • Click on Save

    • Confirm that SplunkSetup3!

    • NOTE: If You Do Not Complete This Part Your Splunk Configuration Won't Work

  • IMPORTANT: Navigate Back to your Terminal where you're Configuring the Indexer

  • Restart Splunk (For those changes to be captured): RUN the command ./splunk restart SplunkSetup4!

  • Refresh The Splunk Tab at http://Splunk-Server-IP:8000 and log back into splunk

  • After Logging In Back into Splunk, Confirm that your Stat's Showing Green as shown in the screenshot below SplunkSetup4!

Step 2: Install The Splunk Forwarder only on the Dev, Stage and Prod Servers

  • NOTE: Execute every command mentioned bellow across all application servers in all the enviroments

  • NOTE: Do Not install the Splunk Server in these resources/environments

  • SSH Into your instances, as normal user ec2-user or ubuntu or centos etc

  • Download the Splunk forwarder RPM installer package

wget -O splunkforwarder-9.1.1-64e843ea36b1.x86_64.rpm "https://download.splunk.com/products/universalforwarder/releases/9.1.1/linux/splunkforwarder-9.1.1-64e843ea36b1.x86_64.rpm"
  • Install the Forwarder
ls -al
sudo yum install ./splunkforwarder-9.1.1-64e843ea36b1.x86_64.rpm -y
  • Change to the splunkforwarder bin directory and start the forwarder
  • NOTE: The Password must be at least 8 characters long.
  • Set the port for the forwarder to 9997, this is to keep splunk server from conflicting with the splunk forwarder
sudo bash
cd /opt/splunkforwarder/bin
./splunk start --accept-license --answer-yes
  • Set the forwarder to forward to the splunk server on port 9997, and will need to enter username and password (change IP address with your own server IP address). When prompted for username and password, enter what you set above for username and password.
./splunk add forward-server SPLUNK-SERVER-Public-IP-Address:9997
  • Restart Splunk on the VM you are configuring the Forwarder
./splunk restart
  • Set the forwarder to monitor the /var/log/tomcat/ directory and restart
./splunk add monitor /var/log/tomcat/

2. Navigate Back to Your Splunk Indexer/Server

  • Set the port for the Splunk Indexer or Server to listen on 9997 and restart
cd /opt/splunk/bin
./splunk enable listen 9997
  • Restart Splunk on the VM you are configuring the Forwarder
./splunk restart

Step 3: View Application Logs in Splunk

  • Login to your Splunk Server at http://Splunk-Server-IP:8000

  • Click on Search and Reporting -->> Data Summary -->> Select any of the displayed Environments Host to visualize App Logs SplunkSetup4!

  • Application Log Indexed SplunkSetup3!

Jenkins setup

  1. Access Jenkins

    Copy your Jenkins Public IP Address and paste on the browser = ExternalIP:8080

    • Login to your Jenkins instance using your Shell (GitBash or your Mac Terminal)
    • Copy the Path from the Jenkins UI to get the Administrator Password
      • Run: sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
      • Copy the password and login to Jenkins JenkinsSetup1!
    • Plugins: Choose Install Suggested Plugings
    • Provide
      • Username: admin
      • Password: admin
      • Name and Email can also be admin. You can use admin all, as its a poc.
    • Click Continue
    • Click on Start using Jenkins JenkinsSetup2!
  2. Plugin installations:

    • Click on Manage Jenkins
    • Click on Plugins
    • Click Available
    • Search and Install the following Plugings and "Install"
      • SonarQube Scanner
      • Maven Integration
      • Pipeline Maven Integration
      • Maven Release Plug-In
      • Slack Notification
      • Nexus Artifact Uploader
      • Build Timestamp (Needed for Artifact versioning)
    • Click on Install
    • Once all plugins are installed
    • Select/Check the Box Restart Jenkins when installation is complete and no jobs are running PluginInstallation!
    • Refresh your Browser and Log back into Jenkins
    • Once you log back into Jenkins
  3. Global tools configuration:

    • Click on Manage Jenkins -->> Global Tool Configuration JDKSetup!

    • JDK

      • Click on Add JDK -->> Make sure Install automatically is enabled

      Note: By default the Install Oracle Java SE Development Kit from the website make sure to close that option by clicking on the image as shown below.


    • Git

      • Click on Add Git
      • Enable Install automatically(Optional) GitSetup!
    • SonarQube Scanner

      • Click on Add SonarQube Scanner
      • Enable: Install automatically (Optional) SonarQubeScanner!
    • Maven

      • Click on Add Maven
      • Enable Install automatically is enabled
      • Name: localMaven
      • Version: Keep the default version as it is to latest
    • Click on SAVE MavenSetup!

  4. Credentials setup(SonarQube, Nexus, Ansible and Slack):

    • Click on Manage Jenkins
      • Click on Credentials
      • Click on Global (unrestricted)
      • Click on Add Credentials
      1. SonarQube secret token (SonarQube-Token)
        • Generating SonarQube secret token:
          • Login to your SonarQube Application (http://SonarServer-Sublic-IP:9000)
            • Default username: admin
            • Default password: admin
          • Click on Projects
          • Click on Create New Project
            • Project key: JavaWebApp-Project
            • Display name: JavaWebApp-Project
          • Click on Set Up
          • Generate a Tokens: Provide Name JavaWebApp-SonarQube-Token
          • Click on Generate
          • Click on Continue
          • Run analysis on your project: Select Java
          • Build technology: Select Maven
          • COPY the TOKEN
        • Store SonarQube Secret Token in Jenkins:
          • Navigate back to Jenkins
          • Click on Add Credentials
          • Kind: Secret text!!
          • Secret: Paste the SonarQube token value that we have created on the SonarQube server
          • ID: SonarQube-Token
          • Description: SonarQube-Token
          • Click on Create
      2. Slack secret token (slack-token)
        • Get The Slack Token:
        • Create The Slack Credential For Jenkins:
          • Click on Add Credentials
          • Kind: Secret text
          • Secret: Place the Integration Token Credential ID (Note: Generate for slack setup)
          • ID: Slack-Token
          • Description: slack-token
          • Click on Create
      3. Nexus Credentials (Username and Password)
        • Login to Nexus and Set Password
          • Access Nexus: http://Nexus-Pub-IP:8081/
          • Default Username: admin
          • NOTE: Login into your "Nexus" VM and "cat" the following file to get the password.
          • Command: sudo cat /opt/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus3/admin.password
          • Password: Fill In The Password and Click Sign In
          • Click Next
          • Provide New Password: admin
          • Configure Anonymous Access: Disable anonymous access
          • Click on Finish
        • Nexus credentials (username & password)
          • Click on Add Credentials
          • Kind: Username with password
          • Username: admin
          • Enable Treat username as secret
          • Password: admin
          • ID: Nexus-Credential
          • Description: nexus-credential
          • Click on Create
      4. Ansible deployment server credential (username & password)
        • Click on Add Credentials
        • Kind: Username with password
        • Username: ansibleadmin
        • Enable Treat username as secret
        • Password: ansibleadmin
        • ID: Ansible-Credential
        • Description: Ansible-Credential
        • Click on Create
  5. Configure system:

      • Click on Manage Jenkins
      • Click on Configure System and navigate to the SonarQube Servers section
      • Click on Add SonarQube
      • Server URL: http://YOUR_SONARQUBE_PRIVATE_IP:9000
      • Server authentication token: Select SonarQube-Token SonarQubeServerSetup!
      • Still on Manage Jenkins and Configure System
      • Scroll down to the Slack Section (at the very bottom)
      • Go to section Slack
        • NOTE: Make sure you still have the Slack Page that has the team subdomain & integration token open
        • Workspace: Replace with Team Subdomain value (created above)
        • Credentials: select the Slack-Token credentials (created above)
        • Default channel / member id: #PROVIDE_YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME_HERE
        • Click on Test Connection
        • Click on Save SlackSetup!

SonarQube Configuration

  1. Setup SonarQube GateKeeper

    • Click on Quality Gate

    • Click on Create

    • Name: JavaWebApp-QualityGate SonarQubeSetup2!

    • Click on Save to Create SonarQubeSetup2!

    • Add a Quality Gate Condition to Validate the Code Against (Code Smells or Bugs) SonarQubeSetup3!

    • Add Quality to SonarQube Project

    • NOTE: Make sure to update the SonarQube stage in your Jenkinsfile and Test the Pipeline so your project will be visible on the SonarQube Project Dashboard.

    • Click on Projects

    • Click on your project name JavaWebApp-Project

      • Click on Project Settings
      • Click on Quality Gate
      • Select your QG JavaWebApp-QualityGate


  2. Setup SonarQube Webhook to Integrate Jenkins (To pass the results to Jenkins)

    • Click on Administration and Select Webhook

    • Click on Create Webhook

      • Name: jenkinswebhook
      • URL: http://Jenkins-Server-Private-IP:8080/sonarqube-webhook SonarQubeSetup4!
    • Go ahead and Confirm in the Jenkinsfile you have the “Quality Gate Stage”. The stage code should look like the below;

    stage('SonarQube GateKeeper') {
        steps {
          timeout(time : 1, unit : 'HOURS'){
          waitForQualityGate abortPipeline: true
    • Run Your Pipeline To Test Your Quality Gate (It should PASS QG)
    • (OPTIONAL) FAIL Your Quality Gate: Go back to SonarQube -->> Open your Project -->> Click on Quality Gates at the top -->> Select your Project Quality Gate -->> Click EDIT -->> Change the Value to “0” -->> Update Condition
    • (OPTIONAL) Run/Test Your Pipeline Again and This Time Your Quality Gate Should Fail
    • (OPTIONAL) Go back and Update the Quality Gate value to 10. The Exercise was just to see how Quality Gate Works

Pipeline creation

  • Update The Jenkinsfile If Neccessary

  • Update SonarQube IP address in your Jenkinsfile On Line 61

  • Update the SonarQube projectKey or name in your Jenkinsfile On Line 60

  • Update your Slack Channel Name in the Jenkinsfile on Line 133

  • Update Your Nexus IP in the Jenkinsfile on Line 80

    • Log into Jenkins: http://Jenkins-Public-IP:8080/
    • Click on New Item
    • Enter an item name: Jenkins-Complete-CICD-Pipeline
    • Select the category as Pipeline
    • Click OK
    • Select GitHub project: Project url Provide Your Project Repo Git URL
    • GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling: Check the box
      • NOTE: Make sure to also configure it on GitHub's side
    • Pipeline Definition: Select Pipeline script from SCM
      • SCM: Git
      • Repositories
        • Repository URL: Provide Your Project Repo Git URL (the one you created in the initial phase)
        • Credentials: none since the repository is public
        • Branch Specifier (blank for 'any'): */main
        • Script Path: Jenkinsfile
    • Click on SAVE
    • NOTE: Make Sure Your Pipeline Succeeds Until SonarQube GateKeeper. Upload to Artifactory would fail.
    • Click on Build Now to TEST Pipeline

    A. Pipeline Test Results

    • Jenkins Pipeline Job JenkinsJobResult!

    • SonarQube Code Inspection Result SonarQubeResult!

    • Slack Continuous Feedback Alert SlackResult!

    • SonarQube GateKeeper Webhook Payload SonarQubeGateKeeper!

    B. Troubleshooting (Possible Issues You May Encounter and Suggested Solutions)

    1. 1st ISSUE: If you experience a long wait time at the level of GateKeeper, please check if your Sonar Webhook is associated with your SonarQube Project with SonarQube Results
    • If you check your jenkins Pipeline you'll most likely find the below message at the SonarQube GateKeper stage
    Checking status of SonarQube task 'AYfEB4IQ3rP3Y6VQ_yIa' on server 'SonarQube'
    SonarQube task 'AYfEB4IQ3rP3Y6VQ_yIa' status is 'PENDING'

Nexus Configuration

  1. Navigate to Accessing Nexus:

    The nexus service on port 8081. To access the nexus dashboard, visit http://Nexus-Pub-IP:8081.

    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin

    Go ahead and Create your Nexus Project Repositories

    • CREATE 1st REPO (Release Repo):

      • Click on the Gear Icon
      • Click on Repository
      • Click Create Repository
      • Select Recipe: maven2(hosted)
      • Name: maven-project-releases
      • Version Policy: Select Release
      • Click Create Repository
    • CREATE 2nd REPO (Snapshot Repo):

      • Click on Create Repository
      • Select Recipe: maven2(hosted)
      • Name: maven-project-snapshots
      • Version Policy: Select Snapshot
      • Click Create Repository
    • CREATE 3rd REPO (Proxy/Remote Repo):

      • Click on Create Repository
      • Select Recipe: maven2(proxy)
      • Name: maven-project-central
      • Version Policy: Select Release
      • Remote Storage: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2
      • Click Create Repository
    • CREATE 4th REPO (Group Repo):

      • Click on Create Repository
      • Select Recipe: maven2(group)
      • Name: maven-project-group
      • Version Policy: Select Mixed
      • Member Repositories: Assign All The Repos You Created to The Group
        • MEANING: Move all 4 repositories to the Box on your Right
      • Click Create Repository


Update Maven POM and Integrate/Configure Nexus With Jenkins

A) Update Maven POM.xml file

  • Update the Following lines of Code (Line 32 and 36) in the maven POM file and save

  • NOTE: Confirm that you have the following Stage in your Jenkins pipeline config. Once you Confirm, Go ahead and Update the following Values (nexusUrl(Your Nexus IP), repository, credentialsId (Variable)). If necessary

  • NOTE: The following environment config represents the NEXUS CREDENTIAL stored in jenkins. we're pulling the credential with the use of the predefine NEXUS_CREDENTIAL_ID environment variable key. Which jenkins already understands.

    environment {
      WORKSPACE = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
      NEXUS_CREDENTIAL_ID = 'Nexus-Credential'
  • Here we're using the Nexus Artifact Uploader stage config to publish the app artifacts to Nexus

    stage("Nexus Artifact Uploader"){
              nexusVersion: 'nexus3',
              protocol: 'http',
              nexusUrl: '',
              groupId: 'webapp',
              version: "${env.BUILD_ID}-${env.BUILD_TIMESTAMP}",
              repository: 'maven-project-releases',  //"${NEXUS_REPOSITORY}",
              credentialsId: "${NEXUS_CREDENTIAL_ID}",
              artifacts: [
                  [artifactId: 'webapp',
                  classifier: '',
                  file: '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/jenkins-complete-cicd-pipeline/webapp/target/webapp.war',
                  type: 'war']
  • After confirming all changes, go ahead and save, then push to GitHub.

    • Add the changes: git add -A
    • Commit changes: git commit -m "updated project POM and Jenkinsfile"
    • Push to GitHub: git push
  • Test your Pipeline to Make Sure That The Artifacts Upload Stage Succeeds including the Deployments.

    • Navigate to Jenkins Dashboard (Run/Test The Job)
    • Click on Build Now PipelineStagesArtifactSuccess!
  • Navigate to Nexus as well to confirm that the artifact was Stored in the maven-project-releases repository ArtifactStored!

Confirm Ansible Deployment to Dev, Stage and Prod Was Successful

  • ((NOTE)): That you passed the Userdata in the Jenkins/Maven/Ansible and Dev,Stage and Prod Instances to Configure the Environments, then you should not have issues. And if that is the case, you do not have to perform the operations that follows this step to re-configure Anasible and Tomcat again. You just Have to confirm, the Configurations where all Successful and Move to the Next step to Setup a CI Integration Between GitHub and Jenkins.
  • ((NOTE)): Confim you did Assign an IAM ROLE / PROFILE with EC2 Access to your Jenkins instance
  • ((NOTE)): Update ALL Pipeline Deploy Stages with your Ansible Credentials ID (IMPORTANT)
  • ((NOTE)): Make sure the following Userdata was executed across all the Deployment Nodes/Instances
# Tomcat Server Installation
sudo su
amazon-linux-extras install tomcat8.5 -y
systemctl enable tomcat
systemctl start tomcat

# Provisioning Ansible Deployer Access
useradd ansibleadmin
echo ansibleadmin | passwd ansibleadmin --stdin
sed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd
echo "ansibleadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

Setup a CI Integration Between GitHub and Jenkins

  1. Navigate to your GitHub project repository

  2. Confirm that this is Enabled at the Level of the Jenkins Job as well

    • Navigate to your Jenkins Application: http://JENKINS-PUBLIC-IP-ADDRESS:8080
      • Click on the Job Name
      • Navigate to Build Triggers
        • Enable/Check the box GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
      • Click on Apply and Save


A) Ansible Automation (Deployment)

  • NOTE: If you followed the steps as mentioned in this Runbook, your pipeline normally should run successfully to the end.

  • NOTE: However, you may not be able to reach the Web Application. This could be due to the fact that you're using a different Region as compared to what's actually stated in the ansible-config/aws_ec2.yaml config script.

    • To Reolve this issue, Navigate to this file
      • Go to your Project Code
      • Open the ansible-config folder
      • You will see the aws_ec2.yaml config file
    • Change the Region to Your Region
    • Commit the Changes and Push to GitHub
    • Then Re-Run The Pipeline
    • Finally Try Accessing The Application Now from a Web Browser
  • Verify that the Jenkins/Maven/Ansible instance has an IAM Profile with EC2 Access

  • Also Confirm that the Dev, Stage and Prod Environments have their assigned Environment tags


NOTE: That By completing this project, you are now considered a Professional DevOps Engineer.

You've been able to accomplish something very unique and special which most people only dream of in their IT journey. Remmber that during an interview, you may be asked some challenging questions or be faced with a trial assignment that require you to both utilize your existing skillsets and think out of the box. During this time you must be very confident and determined in your pursuit.

Never forget that you have what it takes to add more than enough VALUE to any organization out there in the industry and to STAND OUT in any interview setting no matter who is sitted on the interview seat.

Congratulations Team!!!👨🏼‍💻 Congratulations!!!👨🏼‍💻


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 50.4%Language:Java 49.6%