kldhsh123 / UsefulHints

An Exiled (SCP:SL) Plugin that display extra hint like a timers and notifications

Repository from Github https://github.comkldhsh123/UsefulHintsRepository from Github https://github.comkldhsh123/UsefulHints


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UsefulHints for EXILED

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UCS Independent Developer

Minimum Exiled Version: 9.0.0


  • Display remaining time after using SCP-268
  • SCP-268 countdown timer
  • SCP-1576 countdown timer
  • SCP-2176 lockdown timer
  • Hint displayed when looking at SCP-096's face
  • Track remaining Jailbird charges
  • Track remaining MicroHid energy
  • Display SCP-207 & Anti SCP-207 doses when picked up
  • Warning hints when affected by SCP-207, Anti SCP-207, or SCP-1853
  • Friendly fire warnings when damaging teammates
  • Kill counter for players
  • End-of-game summary
  • Show teammates at the start of the round
  • Broadcast the last human alive


Language Short Name Done Required Verification
English en No
Polish pl No
Russian ru No
Czech cs Yes
Slovak sk Yes
French fr Yes
Spanish es Yes
Italian it Yes
German de Yes
Turkish tr Yes
Portuguese pt Yes
Chinese zh Yes



  is_enabled: true
  debug: false
  # Auto Translations:
  translations: true
  # Available Languages: pl, en, de, fr, cs, sk, es, it, pt, ru, tr, zh
  language: 'en'
  translations_path: '/home/container/.config/EXILED/Configs/UsefulHints/Translations'
  # Auto Update:
  auto_update: true
  enable_logging: true
  enable_backup: false
  plugin_path: '/home/container/.config/EXILED/Plugins/UsefulHints.dll'
  # Hint Settings:
  enable_hints: true
  scp096_look_message: 'You looked at SCP-096!'
  scp268_time_left_message: 'Remaining: {0}s'
  scp2176_time_left_message: 'Remaining: {0}s'
  scp1576_time_left_message: 'Remaining: {0}s'
  grenade_damage_hint: '{0} Damage'
  jailbird_use_message: 'Remaining charges: {0}'
  scp207_hint_message: 'You have {0} doses of SCP-207'
  anti_scp207_hint_message: 'You have {0} doses of Anti SCP-207'
  show_hint_on_equip_item: false
  # Item Warnings:
  enable_warnings: true
  scp207_warning: '<color=yellow>⚠</color> You are already affected by <color=#A60C0E>SCP-207</color>'
  anti_scp207_warning: '<color=yellow>⚠</color> You are already affected by <color=#2969AD>Anti SCP-207</color>'
  scp1853_warning: '<color=yellow>⚠</color> You are already affected by <color=#1CAA21>SCP-1853</color>'
  # Friendly Fire Warning:
  enable_ff_warning: true
  friendly_fire_warning: '<size=27><color=yellow>⚠ Do not hurt your teammate</color></size>'
  damage_taken_warning: '<size=27><color=red>{0}</color> <color=yellow>(teammate) hit you</color></size>'
  class_d_are_teammates: true
  enable_cuffed_warning: false
  cuffed_attacker_warning: '<size=27><color=yellow>⚠ Player is cuffed</color></size>'
  cuffed_player_warning: '<size=27><color=red>{0}</color> <color=yellow>hit you when you were cuffed</color></size>'
  # Kill Counter:
  enable_kill_counter: true
  kill_count_message: '{0} kills'
  # Round Summary:
  enable_round_summary: true
  round_summary_message_duration: 10
  human_kill_message: '<size=27><color=#70EE9C>{0}</color> had the most kills as a <color=green>Human</color>: <color=yellow>{1}</color></size>'
  scp_kill_message: '<size=27><color=#70EE9C>{0}</color> had the most kills as a <color=red>SCP</color>: <color=yellow>{1}</color></size>'
  top_damage_message: '<size=27><color=#70EE9C>{0}</color> dealt the most damage: <color=yellow>{1}</color></size>'
  first_scp_killer_message: '<size=27><color=#70EE9C>{0}</color> was the first to kill an <color=red>SCP</color></size>'
  escaper_message: '<size=27><color=#70EE9C>{0}</color> escaped first from the facility: <color=yellow>{1}:{2}</color></size>'
  # Teammates:
  enable_teammates: true
  teammate_hint_delay: 4
  teammate_hint_message: |-
    <align=left><size=28><color=#70EE9C>Your Teammates</color></size> 
  teammate_message_duration: 8
  alone_hint_message: '<align=left><color=red>You are playing Solo</color></align>'
  alone_message_duration: 4
  # Last Human Broadcast:
  enable_last_human_broadcast: true
  broadcast_for_human: '<color=red>You are the last human alive!</color>'
  broadcast_for_scp: '<color=#70EE9C>{0}</color> is the last human alive, playing as {1} in <color=yellow>{2}</color>'
  ignore_tutorial_role: true
  # Map Broadcast:
  enable_map_broadcast: true
  broadcast_warning_lcz: '<color=yellow>Light Zone</color> will be decontaminated in 5 minutes!'






Last Alive Human:


An Exiled (SCP:SL) Plugin that display extra hint like a timers and notifications

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%