klaytonkowalski / library-defold-timer

Defold Timer provides a visual timer widget in a Defold game engine project.

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Defold Timer

Defold Timer provides a visual timer widget in a Defold game engine project.

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alt text

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Import the dtimer Lua module into your relevant gui scripts:
local dtimer = require "dtimer.dtimer"

In many games, there exists some kind of on-screen timer counting up or down to track the player's rate of progression through a level or scenario. The elapsed time can then be used for various purposes, for example saving the player's fastest attempt at a level or restarting a level when time runs out.

This library only handles timer logic and setting the text of a gui node with gui.set_text(). The user retains all styling authority over their gui nodes. These philosophies allow for simplicity, robustness, and separation of concerns.

Timers used in dtimer hold four components: hours, minutes, seconds, and centiseconds. The user can specify which of these components to display in their gui nodes. Leading zeros are displayed appropriately.

See the following code for a basic usage scenario:

local dtimer = require "dtimer.dtimer"

-- Hash of gui node id.
local node_timer = hash("node_timer")

function init(self)
    msg.url(msg.url(), hash("acquire_input_focus"))
    -- Count up to 1 hour and display all timestamp components.
    dtimer.add_node(node_timer, true, { hours = true, minutes = true, seconds = true, centiseconds = true }, 3600)

function update(self, dt)

function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
    if message_id == dtimer.messages.start then
        -- If timer starts, turn node green.
        gui.set_color(gui.get_node(message.node_id), vmath.vector4(0, 1, 0, 1))
    elseif message_id == dtimer.messages.stop then
        -- If timer stops and limit is reached, turn node red.
        -- If timer stops and limit is not reached or no limit exists, turn node yellow.
        gui.set_color(gui.get_node(message.node_id), message.complete and vmath.vector4(1, 0, 0, 1) or vmath.vector4(1, 1, 0, 1))

API: Properties


Table of hashes which are sent to the on_message() function of the corresponding gui script:

    start = hash("dtimer_start"),
    stop = hash("dtimer_stop")

start: Sent when a timer starts. The message table contains the following:

    node_id = <hash>,
    elapsed = <number> -- Starting value of the timer in seconds.

stop: Sent when a timer stops. The message table contains the following:

    node_id = <hash>,
    elapsed = <number>, -- Stopping value of the timer in seconds.
    complete = <bool> -- If the timer reached its `duration` limit.

API: Functions

dtimer.add_node(node_id, increasing, [format], [duration])

Adds a gui node to the timer system. Timers begin in the stopped state.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.
  2. increasing: bool if timer should count up or down.
  3. [format]: Table that specifies which timestamp components to display:
    hours = false,
    minutes = true,
    seconds = true,
    centiseconds = false

If format is nil, then the above default will be used.

  1. [duration]: Maximum elapsed seconds counting up from zero or start time counting down to zero. This argument is required if increasing is false.


Removes a node from the timer system.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.

dtimer.start(node_id, [reset])

Starts the timer attached to a node. If the timer is already started and reset is true, then its elapsed time will reset and continue counting without stopping.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.
  2. [reset]: bool if the timer should reset to zero.

dtimer.stop(node_id, [reset])

Stops the timer attached to a node.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.
  2. [reset]: bool if the timer should reset to zero.

dtimer.toggle(node_id, [reset])

Toggles the timer attached to a node.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.
  2. [reset]: bool if the timer should reset to zero.


Updates all timers and displays. Should be called in the update(self, dt) function of your gui script.


  1. dt: Time elapsed since last frame.


Sets the url of the gui script to receive dtimer messages.


  1. url: Url of the gui script to receive dtimer messages.

dtimer.set_format(node_id, format)

Sets the format of a node.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.
  2. format: Table that specifies which timestamp components to display:
    hours = false,
    minutes = true,
    seconds = true,
    centiseconds = false

dtimer.set_timestamp(node_id, format, seconds)

Applies a timestamp to a node that is not registered with dtimer. This is useful when a node should not be tracked by dtimer.add_node(), but should display a formatted timestamp.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.
  2. format: Table that specifies which timestamp components to display:
    hours = false,
    minutes = true,
    seconds = true,
    centiseconds = false
  1. seconds: Seconds to format into a timestamp.


Gets the elapsed time of a node in seconds.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.


Return a number.


Gets a verbose timestamp of a node.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.


Return a table in the following format:

    hours = <number>,
    minutes = <number>,
    seconds = <number>,
    centiseconds = <number>


Checks if the timer attached to a node is running.


  1. node_id: Hashed id of a gui node.


Returns true or false.


Defold Timer provides a visual timer widget in a Defold game engine project.

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 94.4%Language:Go 5.6%