klaufel / sui-components-datepicker

A awesome design system for your products and experiences!

Home Page:https://sui-components-datepicker.netlify.com

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Welcome to Adevinta Design System πŸ‘‹

A awesome design system for your products and experiences!

Netlify Status

Overview β€’ Getting Started β€’ Architecture β€’ Guidelines β€’ Theming β€’ Testing β€’ Distribution

Adevinta Storybook

πŸ”₯ Overview

We use of the best tools to improve the workflow to allow you to create an awesome library of components!

✨ Getting Started

To get you started, you need to meet the prerequisites, and then follow the installation instructions.


You can clone our Git repository: $ git clone git@github.com:klaufel/sui-components-datepicker.git

Wiring up your development environment

Setting up, is as easy as running:

$ npm install

This command will install all the required dependencies. Please note that npm install is only required on your first start, or in case of updated dependencies.

Initializing Storybook

Once all the dependencies are installed, you can run $ npm run storybook to initialize your development server using webpack-dev-server middleware.

πŸ“ Architecture

Based on Atomic Design principles, methodology for creating design systems. There are five distinct levels of components:

  • Atomic Design component structure:
    • Atoms
    • Molecules
    • Organism
    • Templates
    • Pages

When we use the library, the maximum level of component that we are going to have would be an organism, the rest of the templatesand pages components are built in the application that imports the library.

Source project structure:
└── src
    β”œβ”€β”€ components
    β”‚	β”œβ”€β”€ atoms
    β”‚	β”œβ”€β”€ molecules
    β”‚   └── organism
    β”œβ”€β”€ docs
    β”œβ”€β”€ styles
    └── index.js (entry point)
  • src: The place where to put our application source code
    • components Add your components here! This folder is divided from Atomic Design principles.
    • docs Add documentation as stories for design system.
    • styles Folder to add global styles and theme to build components.
    • index.js Entry point, import all components and export to generate package to use in project as a dependency.

Example of component structure
└── mycomponent
    β”œβ”€β”€ __mocks__
    β”‚   └── mycomponent.mock.js
    β”œβ”€β”€ __stories__
    β”‚   └── mycomponent.stories.{js|mdx}
    β”œβ”€β”€ __tests__
    β”‚	β”œβ”€β”€ __snapshots__
    β”‚	β”‚   └── mycomponent.test.js.snap
    β”‚   └── mycomponent.test.js
    β”œβ”€β”€ index.scss
    └── index.js
  • mycomponent: Folder which contains our component.
    • __mocks__: Folder to contains the mocks logic.
      • mycomponent.mock.js: File for mock compononet to use in your stories or tests.
    • __stories__: Folder to contains the stories for Storybook.
      • mycomponent.stories.js: Contains the stories of component for Storybook
    • __tests__: Folder to contains the tests of component.
      • __snapshots__: Folder to contains the snapthots tests, autogenerated for jest.
        • mycomponent.test.js.snap: Snapshot file, autogenerated for jest.
      • mycomponent.test.js: Contains the test of component.
    • index.js: Contains the React component, HTML or other imports from ui-library.
    • index.scss: Contain the styles of component.

πŸ’… Guidelines


Styles must follow the SUIT convention.

Linting / Formatter

Use sui-lint, CLI to lint your code and make it compliant. It provides:

  • Same js and sass style of code across all company.
  • Linting rules a reference package, not duplicated linting config in every project.
  • Implemented as a reusable CLI.

$ npm run lint Find problems in your code (js and sass)

$ npm run lint:js Find problems in your code (only js)

$ npm run lint:sass Find problems in your code (only sass)


$ npm run prettier:check Find format problems in your code.

$ npm run prettier:write Fix format problems in your code.

Git hooks

There is a hook to pre-commit with Husky, will run $ npm run prettier:write, so that all the code pushed is complies with the established rules!

🌈 Theming

Example of theme structure
└── styles
	└── lib
    	└── themes
        	β”œβ”€β”€ mytheme
            β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ _components.scss
            β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ _fonts.scss
            β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ _variables.scss
            β”‚   └── _index.scss
            └── _index.scss (import your actual theme)
  • mytheme: Folder which the theme config.
    • _components.scss: File to overwrites styles specifically at the component level.
    • _fonts.scss: Import fonts to the theme.
    • _variables.scss: Overwrites the global variables of the theme.
    • _index.scss: Entry point file. Import all files in your theme (components, fonts, variables).

The global variables by default are obtained from library: @schibstedspain/sui-theme

In the file lib/_index.scss , they are imported directly:

@import '~@schibstedspain/sui-theme/lib/settings-compat-v7/index';
@import '~@schibstedspain/sui-theme/lib/index';

To import a theme, it must currently be done manually (see TODO below). In the file lib/theme/_index.scss, import the theme you need.


@import 'adevinta/index';
Design systems deployed with themes

TODO: Make selector for dynamic theme change through Storybook using SASS theme. Currently, it is necessary to modify the import of the current theme. In the current system of @schibstedspain/sui-theme the themes of each marketplace are being imported, we would have to do it that way but with specificity to each component, using the design tokens for components.

πŸ™ Testing the application

Jest, a delightful javascript testing framework and Testing Library builds on top of DOM testing library by adding APIs for working with React components.

Running your tests

$ npm run test Will perform your unit testing.

$ npm run test:update Will perform your unit testing and update snapshots.

$ npm run test:watch Will perform your unit testing and watchers tests.

$ npm run test:coverage Will perform your unit testing and show coverage.

$ npm run test:coverage-web Will perform your unit testing and show coverage and open report in your default browser.

Git hooks

There is a hook to pre-push with Husky, will run $ npm run test, so that all the code pushed works correctly!

πŸ“« How to use in a project

TODO: Package the library so it can be used by other applications with the theme config


A awesome design system for your products and experiences!



Language:JavaScript 70.4%Language:CSS 28.9%Language:HTML 0.7%