klatys / sonar-loc-count

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LoC Counting Scripts

This is a collection of shell scripts that demonstrate how to count lines of code from repositories and/or local directories. These scripts can be used to estimate LoC counts that would be produced by a Sonar analysis of these projects, without having to implement this analysis.



General usage

Most scripts will produce two reports of LoC by language (.lang) and by repository (.file).


Counts lines of code from a GitHub.com organization. Requires to pass username, personal access token and the organization. The token must have repo scope.

<github_com.sh> myuser 1234567890abcdefgh myGitHubDotComOrg


Counts lines of code from a Bitbucket.org organization. Requires to pass username, app password and the workspace slug. The token must have Repositories > Read permissions.

<bitbucket_org.sh> myuser 1234567890abcdefgh myBBWorkspace

Azure DevOps Services:

Counts lines of code from a Azure DevOps Services organization. Requires to pass personal access token and the organization. The token must have Code > Read permissions.

<azure_devops_services.sh> 1234567890abcdefgh myADOOrg


Counts lines of code from a GitLab.com Group. Requires to pass personal access token and the group. The token must have read_api and read_repository scopes.

<gitlab_com.sh> 1234567890abcdefgh myGitLabGroupID

Local Filesystem:

Counts lines of code from a local directory or file. This script only produces the LoC by language (.lang)

<filesystem.sh> PathToDirectoryorFile

Contributions and feedbacks

Contributions and feedbacks are welcome, as PRs or issues directly with this repository, or through your established Sonar communication channel.


License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%